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MP3 to WAV Converter

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  • MP3 to WAV Converter

    Thats how you get MP3's to play in your car, correct?

    Anyone have a cool free program?

    Spin the black circle.

    [email protected]

  • #2
    What you burn with?

    I know nero will convert on the fly, as long as you select to burn an audio (and not data) disc.
    Load up your app and select to burn an audio disc, If it allows you to select mp3s as well as wavs, it should convert automatically.
    Last edited by audiophile; 06-13-2006, 09:06 PM.


    • #3
      Nice app, I believe the only limitation is 30 days to convert from CD to mp3, reverse is unlimited (From what I can tell)


      • #4
        Musicmatch, works for me.
        Free? I been a member on Musicmatch so long, I don't pay.


        • #5
          Musicmatch is by Yahoo and preinstalled spam on so many pcs like dell n such. It's no different than real player, with radio, stores and other things not desired for audio encoding/decoding. You want a dedicated, do what you want, no frills, without the uncessary bling.

          As well, when ripping CDs, it forces your drive to run slow, and encode basic avg quality, gotta pay to get your drive to run it's correct speed and get high quality.

          There are other free options out there for full manipulation, as mp3 started out free, then some fools got the bright idea to mass market it with a cost. Just none on top of my head as I don't create any mp3s anymore.


          • #6
            I bought a stereo that plays Audio, MP3 and WMA format.

            Frys Electronics sometimes has a Iomega external USB burner on sale for around $35 that has a good program with it. I bought 2.

            I also use Windows Media Player from time to time.

            I just tell ether to burn in audio format.


            • #7
              O ya, that was the other option.
              Upgrade the vehicle deck with one that plays all formats, then load a cd with about 10 albums of mp3s.
              Who needs a Cd changer anymore.


              • #8
                Originally posted by audiophile
                O ya, that was the other option.
                Upgrade the vehicle deck with one that plays all formats, then load a cd with about 10 albums of mp3s.
                Who needs a Cd changer anymore.

                I have one disc with 160 tracks on it, Who needs a changer


                • #9
                  Did some more hunting around, my Nero does the trick.....Window media player is f'in useless!

                  I dont want to change the deckin my auto, its a 2006, plus it has all that navigation shit all built in.

                  Thanks a million guys!
                  Spin the black circle.

                  [email protected]

