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Just pulled the trigger on a new house!

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  • Just pulled the trigger on a new house!

    Just signed all the paperwork for the offer. We live in a new development and just sort of outgrew our current house. Plus they built a bunch of houses behind us WAY TOO CLOSE. I can sit in my kitchen and watch the new neighbours making their dinner. Fuck that. We've only been here for 3 years. We were looking to build, but too much hassle.
    Then just around the corner they were building a house pretty much exactly what we wanted. Bigger rooms for the kids, bigger house overall, bigger lot and I get to build a project studio and a workshop in the basement. That's what sold me on it.

    The problem is, we will be moving in on August 20th. That means all of my summer plans are fucked. I have to pack away a bunch of my gear and shit in my music room (for when our agent shows this house to prospective buyers), and there's going to be an open house on MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY! My holidays from work are going to be spent showing the house and packing when the plan all along was to finish recording the 11 tracks for an album that I'VE BEEN TRYING TO RELEASE FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS! Just when I think I'm going to have some time to work on it...BLAM! Something else comes up. :bang:
    I want the house, but the studio won't be ready when we move in, coz the builders want to charge way too much. So I have a buddy who does construction who I'm going to hire to do it. I ain't no Bob Villa, and I want it done right, so I won't touch it. I'm hoping to get the studio room done by September 15th, but if he's got other jobs already just throws everything up in the air AGAIN.

    Sorry 'bout that. Just had to vent. I think I have a name for the album...


  • #2
    Congrats on your home purchase

    I am currently over a quarter million dollars in debt for my mortgage myself...
    Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


    • #3

      You think that's bad? I've been living/working/maintaining two houses for a year. We moved out of this one in September 2005, and I'm finally ready to sell it.

      Good luck selling your current house. It's tough to sell when people are building new homes right next door (why buy used when you can buy new?).


      • #4
        Acutally, in my city, the market is so good right now that I will most likely have a bidding war over my current house, and will probably see at least $10-15K over my asking price. The city isn't releasing land to the builders fast enough, and there are huge waiting lists for new lots. Newer homes like mine (it's only 7 years old) in these prime developments sometimes only stay on the open market for 3 or 4 days before they are sold, most of them well over the initial asking price.

        I'm surprised you haven't sold that house, it's beautiful and the price is awesome! Sadly though, the longer a home stays on the market wothout selling, the more folks start to think "Well, why hasn't it sold?" and they start assuming there's major issues with it.

        Good luck getting rid of it. I can see how bloody expensive that can be!


        • #5
          That's great you are in a hot market. The Cinci market is slow and steady, not hot, not cold.

          Regarding my house, it still isn't even on the market yet. I just created that ad this week. I've been debating renting vs. selling, but have decided to sell.

          We've been cleaning/painting/landscaping the house since September (I didn't do shit to it over the winter), and now it's FINALLY perfect LOL!

          I'll be printing the flyers and putting up the yard signs this afternoon. Then I'll sit back and see if the market is hot or not.

          I've been making two house payments since September. It's not the greatest, but it isn't killing me either. It's all a tax write-off at the end of the year LOL! I'll probably buy a rental with the sale procedes of this house.


          • #6
            "Acutally, in my city, the market is so good right now that I will most likely have a bidding war over my current house, and will probably see at least $10-15K over my asking price".

            We just put a downpayment on our new home. The market was that way around here for the last few years and of course now that I am trying to sell, the market has cooled. Problem is around here the average home price is $600-$700K for single detached house. So, If my home doesn't sell by the time my new one is built I will have close to $2 million worth of mortgages. NICE!
            "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
            I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


            • #7
              Nice house Don.
              That same size house here in PHX would go for 4x your asking price.
              I bought my house back in 1998 for $110k. If I had to buy it today, it would cost me $399k or more. We had a few in our neighborhood sell recently that were smaller than mine for close to $400k, but the market has cooled a touch.

              Nuke... good luck with the new digs.


              • #8
                My first house was built in 1957. Typical Winnipeg bungalow. I bought it for $89,000 and sold it in 2003 for $114,900. The guy I sold it to is a friend of my construction buddy (didn't know that at the time!), and he sold it last month for $167,000!

                We bought our current place for $149,500 and we should have no problem getting $200,000 + for it.

                My agent just listed it--->

                It's just the hassle of no recording. I was packing away microphones and cables and posters today and it was fucking depressing.
                THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                • #9
                  Looks cool.

                  I'll be sad to leave our house. It's a great house, and we thought we'd stay there forever, but when I sold the CA condo, it was time to upgrade.


                  • #10
                    Fucking SOLD! Woo-hoo! Got a few hun more than we were asking too. We didn't fuck around - just took the first offer that came.

                    The new place looks great. The stucco got finished yesterday and most of the painting is done inside. Most light fixtures are up too. Basement and driveway get done next week. The wife and I did a shitload of packing today. Amazing how much CRAP a person accumulates that they NEVER FUCKING USE! We'll be having a big yard sale next week to unload all this junk.

                    Here's a few pics of the new place that I just shot...

                    The front

                    THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                    • #11
                      The back...

                      THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                      • #12
                        The inside...

                        This is the view from the master bedroom. There's nothing behind us coz we live at the very outskirts of the city. Our current house is a block and a half away. We like the neighbourhood a lot. Great schools, lots of kids for ours to play with, nice parks.

                        THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                        • #13
                          Plant trees immediately. Get 5 year old ones, at least. And do not plant them too close to the house. What a thrill. Congrats.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #14
                            We'll be getting trees as soon as the yard gets done and the fence is up. Probably 2 in the back at each corner and one in the front. might not be until next year though. Depends on when the city gets around to bringing the property up to grade. My wife's uncle has a tree farm and said he'd give us some nice ones for free. He's a great guy.
                            THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                            • #15
                              That's great. Trees make the yard. Uncle will tell you how and where to plant them. I lived in a house for 25 years that was built in 1954. There were the original trees and they got to be woppers. And I planted a sapling about 10 years ago and it was 20 feet tall when I moved out. Take a long view on how big those suckers will get and plan for it.
                              I am a true ass set to this board.

