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I Think I'll Go Buy Something Made in China Tomorrow

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  • I Think I'll Go Buy Something Made in China Tomorrow

    I feel a bit sorry for them after reading this:

    Did you know that just over the past 11 quarters, dating back to the June 2003 Bush tax cuts, America has increased the size of its entire economy by 20 percent? In less than three years, the U.S. economic pie has expanded by $2.2 trillion, an output add-on that is roughly the same size as the total Chinese economy, and much larger than the total economic size of nations like India, Mexico, Ireland, and Belgium.
    That is, quite simply ... amazing.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!

  • #2
    Well we have 11 million inhabitants at most, and the half of them (the Wallons) just suck the lifeblood out of us Flemmish people. :p

    The US has what? 250mil pop or something thereabouts?

    Anyways, I'm glad the US is doing good economically, that means improved export for us 'poor people' over here. :p


    I wouldn't be too optimistic though, China's growth is still unrivaled. However I think the entire doomscenario a lot of people would have us believe, that China would become the major economic force is exaggerated by far, they need us as much as we need them, inbalance basically is not an option, it always finds a way, be it by crash or by more conventional means.
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GodOfRhythm
      Anyways, I'm glad the US is doing good economically, that means improved export for us 'poor people' over here. :p
      I wish the Netherlands would improve their "exports" to the US...
      If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


      • #4
        Originally posted by followthereaper
        I wish the Netherlands would improve their "exports" to the US...
        Dutch border is only a couple of miles away from here. Needless to say I spend manier a saturday there and on higher planes of existence at the same time.
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #5
          I thought the references to Mexico, Ireland, and Belgium were a bit odd given the population differentials, especially in the case of the latter two (we're around 300 million now). But the fact that we've added more economic output in the last 2.75 years than the sum total developed by China in their entire history as a nation is interesting. All we've heard for the past few years are dire warnings about how awful our economy is and how amazing the economy of China is. I guess it's all relative.
          Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


          • #6
            Yup, it surely is. When taken per capita, China will probably fall far short of what is realized here in the Western world and the wealth and fortune is even more of a prerogative of the rich and powerful there then it is here, already.

            I'm most probably going to specialize in Chinese Law and European & International (corporate) Law, so I'll get back to you in a couple of years with more details

            Some interesting facts; 75% of the world's contracts are made up in Chinese, it'll be interesting to see if they'll accept English, I think they well. The next is hearsay, but the source was quite reliable, so I'll spill it anyway: over 50% of all who graduate from a university in the US is of Chinese descent or has the Chinese nationality (a true braindrain so to speak).

            Anyways the new chinese rich & famous are powerhungry, wealthy monsters, backed up by their money and fame hungry communistic government. Most shining example of this would be that Chinese guy that bought 3 valleys, seized all property, had dozens of villages and towns flattend to recreate the Palace of the famous Sunking of France, Louis XIV down to the last exact detail, except for the statues, which were reproduced accurately, except for the faces, which were remodeled to feature to appear more asian in nature...
            Last edited by GodOfRhythm; 07-08-2006, 09:18 PM.
            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.

