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Stupid In America

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  • #31
    OK, I'll give you some inside info and it is elaborate. I dealt with all parties involved in this matter for two, white, parent, guardian, teachers, board of education, Juvenile detention you name it..and most importantly the students..

    It all starts and ends at home..not school...there is always peer pressure..hell we all had that to some degree..but this is out of control..and everyone is passing the buck..

    accountability???.. that's the problem wants to claim it.

    Human pollution are generations of mistakes that keep making those same mistakes..people who can't fend for themselves making babies..and the beat goes on...

    They are parasites that drain the system and bring zero to the table. they don't have the capabilty to be accountable, because it wasn't in their upbringing or make's self explainitory ..

    My personal observation, experience and conviction that the root of these problems is due complete disregaurd of that accountability..

    I got the calls son did this..he did that...yada yada yada..well, I'm not his're his made him..and then made more..they can't handle the child they have but yet make more..not many work, they just collect a check..that we all pay for..we are picking up their tab..

    they don't pay taxes, but use all the emergency tax beased services the most, and tie up the majority of the court systems with trivial BS....that's abusing the system..they have this down to a science..and we cater to them..without question.

    We pay them to make behooves them to make babies..because that's more money for them..they'll gladly take the money but not the resposibility!

    I go to their homes and hear the same complaints..but yet they drive huge, blinged out SUV's, plasma TVs and wear more gold than Mr T.. while bringing nothing to the table other than a huge appetite, then complain and beg for more..and most have extensive criminal records..THAT my freinds is "Human Pollution"!!

    The "poorest" of families are dressed better than any of ours..why does a 10 year old kid require 200 dollar basketball shoes..???

    You can disaggree with me all you want in the UK..but this ain't the UK man..this is life in a urban America..We give them money to live on, to give their childreen a better chance to succeed .No, they spend it on themselves.

    like I said , there is always exceptions to the rule..but it'
    s not the majority..

    I worked in the ghetto for 13 that's all I know..My little bro goes to a public schooll right outside the clevelend border, but it's nice, they are strict and keep things in check by keeping communications open with the student's parents with any concerns..

    Paying the teachers moree money won't help a clueless child with no support system at home.

    When a incident happends in the Ghetto can't reach anyone..sometimes we are stuck with a child until we finally find a relative, guardian or adult that actually gives a shit..that will burn a whole an eight hour shift, when we could be responding to REAL emergencies...

    I know of what I speak...our old BOE director Barbera Byrd Bennett was a theiving , crooked piece of shit that got a 400K salary and laid of teachers and refused to take a small pay cut, appointed by the Mayor as freinds..they were both dirty and ran the city into ruins..all the school levies didn't go to the went for the rims on there shiny black caddy's, buisness trips, and their drivers...yes, they had drivers..I observed this on a daily basis..I had to escort these uppity assholes and it made me ill of what I saw...all they care about is themselves not the children or schools, that's just their political platform..leverage to beneifit their own wants and needs and keep their elected positions..

    These people got a bigger salary than George's all dirty, phony , under-handed bullshit..

    Kids will be kids..they need constant guidance..they just don't have that..that's a big problem.

    I hold the Board of education accountable for mishandling the funds and the blatant lack of parental supervision..for ALL of these problems.

    This may not be the case in YOUR area ..but it is certainly widespread across this country in all urban communities..and that leaves us with a pretty hefty tab..

    Health care is the same issue..they bleed that dry as well..

    Human pollution drains the economy...they are social vampires that suck us dry.. that blame everyone but themselves..there is no reflection in the mirror.

    I feel bad for the few kids that want to learn..when they advance and speak properly they are ridiculed by their they dummy down..

    Desegregation was the beginginng of the end..instead of getting the under prviledged on a level playing feild..they dragged it all down..and some of that tricled into the burbs..adopting these morals that are constantly glamorized by the media..

    It's cool to "keep it real"..

    I have hands on PROOF why desegregation was a flop..itb was the begining of the end.

    I pointed out a very profound discovery of mine to a cultural diversity professor from D.C. during one of our lectures..she was completely blown away of what I observed under her very nose..she was speechless and thanked me, ansd wanted to use it in her future classes.!!

    I would love to share that with you..

    I must share this story, anyone interested , by all mean say's not very long winded.

    This is a touchy subject that people are afraid to adress..not me!

    Bill Z Cosby
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #32
      Its also money and politics and none of them really give a shit about the kids no matter what they say because their actions say differently.

      You got attorneys suing for money over anything issue they can get their hands on.

      You got school districts wanting more and more funding with no results obtained from it.

      You got politicians caving into special interest groups resulting in an overall dumbing down of our population.

      You got nut case Marxist professors in our universities preaching a hate America agenda.

      You got social workers and psychologists making money off of bullshit diagnoses and "diseases." Everything is now a disease. Also, they want to protect kid's egos by taking competition out of school - can't fail them - bad for self esteem. Can't be too competetive in sports - bad for self esteem. Goverment funding is now taken away if a school does not have a high enough percentage of graduates!

      You got the ACLU - enough said about those pieces of shit.

      You got your chicken shit school boards who wont stand up for what is right.

      You got your special interest groups pushing the gay agenda, teaching Columbus was a terrorist, rewriting history books etc...

      Teachers have no ability to administer discipline. When I was a kid if you got your ass kicked by the teacher you were going to get it kicked again by your parents when you got home.
      Now parent will sue for money so what does that tell you about how much the parents really care about their kids?

      Its many aspects of society that have caused this and personally my opinion is that it is irreversible. I think we are fucked. Have a nice day.
      Last edited by shredmonster; 07-11-2006, 02:25 PM.
      PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


      • #33
        Thanks Mark..for you insight as a teacher..I've only worked with the BOE and acted on an infinite amount of complaints..

        I had little interaction with the teachers themselves..I had a few that were victims of valid assaults..but mostly dealt with the Principal, security, and Juvenile Detectives along with the gang unit..

        I'm sure as a teacher you may had to deal with the police on occassion..

        You must aggree that childrem must have a healthy support group at matter how much money you throw into a school..and teachers can only do so much.

        what good are books if the kids refuse to read them..fresh paint on the walls, and a school make over won't help that cause..

        I do feel for the students that do try..there is some great kids..but those are usually the ones that you can have a open door with accountable , concerned parents that do care..and work with you to help a child.

        That's what's missing these days..The family unit..

        It wasn't uncommon to be unable to contact a parent during a serious I said I could be stuck with a kid for my entire shift plus overtime..because the parent/ MIA!
        Last edited by horns666; 07-11-2006, 02:40 PM.
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #34
          You know what guys - I think most people know this shit actually.

          I think in the end people's greed wins out over the education system and anything else in our country and the big problem with America is - its corrupt.

          Lots of money to be made on a broken system by a lot of people.

          If the system were to get fixed and there were no problems and no more fights what would the lawyers do? Where would the sociologists and psychologists go to make money? Or the politicians who get voted in by the teachers unions?

          Too many corrupt people making money off of current conditions. That is why it will never change.
          PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


          • #35
            We, as individuals, can rant and rave all we want. The fact is that this country is too big with too many people. Diverse in Aces. Dispersed in Aces. All the systems that are going to hell in a handbasket were created when we were dealing with communities and small cities. Now, a city has anywhere from 150K to 15 million people. There is no way that a group of people, AKA schoolboard, can deal with this mess. I don't have any answers. You could move to Idaho, but that's getting over populated. This reminds me of starting a community with 8 rats in a confined space. Life is good for a while and then.................
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #36
              totally, bill. education starts and finishes at home. withoout parental support no learning will ever occur. i can present ALL the information in the world, but i can't MAKE anyone learn. i can't enforce the value of an education unless that "value" is supported by the parents.

              and regarding ALL your comments on the "minority issue" see those things as absolute truths in the education system.

              every year i watch intelligent minority boys start the 6th grade with excellent grades and attitudes. by the end of the school year the "cultural expectation" (peer pressure) has hit them hard enough that they give up and slide. kids that were perfectly swet and hard-working in the 6th grade are uncontrollable thugs by the 8th grade.

              for my minority girls it is different until high school. i would safely wager that 85% of my female minority students are straight A kids through the 6th grade. every 3 weeks when i hand out progress reports, those girls CONSISTENTLY have 100% across the board.

              they fall when the idiot boys, pressured by their cultural expecatations (and BECOMING the cultural stereotype in the process), start getting overtly sexual. they become very forceful with these girls and the girls, almost always, get sucked in.

              the kids with both parents at home seem to be ableto ward off the peer pressure much easier.

              i am 32. it is tough when i have a parent conference and the kid's mom is only 25 years old. then it gets tougher when she starts flirting with me and coming on to me. i find it quite repulsive and insulting.

              but, that is america in the 21st century!!!! gotta love it!!

              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

              and finally....

              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


              • #37
                These are all very good points and I'm impressed I must it's not just me that is aware of this ...and I was there..right i n the middle of it.

                This is a well known fact that nobody wants to touch with a ten foot pole..

                just because being percieved as racist or hateful..

                that's not the case at all...This just the nature of the beast..

                It's all poiltics..they don't give a shit about the schools or the kids..

                We could easily fix this..but it wouldn't be "PC" we'll just keep beating the bush and just throw money at it..but where's the money..??

                why does the director of the school board needed to be carted around in a new black caddy with shiny rims..and make 400K a year..???

                and campained for three school levies that passed and she lives in a mansion that has a tax abatement..

                She also got nailed for padding the numbers of children riding on the school they can get money from's all crooked shit..

                I'm sure not all schools do this ..but most public ones in my city play these games...
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by markD
                  totally, bill. education starts and finishes at home. withoout parental support no learning will ever occur. i can present ALL the information in the world, but i can't MAKE anyone learn. i can't enforce the value of an education unless that "value" is supported by the parents.

                  and regarding ALL your comments on the "minority issue" see those things as absolute truths in the education system.

                  every year i watch intelligent minority boys start the 6th grade with excellent grades and attitudes. by the end of the school year the "cultural expectation" (peer pressure) has hit them hard enough that they give up and slide. kids that were perfectly swet and hard-working in the 6th grade are uncontrollable thugs by the 8th grade.

                  for my minority girls it is different until high school. i would safely wager that 85% of my female minority students are straight A kids through the 6th grade. every 3 weeks when i hand out progress reports, those girls CONSISTENTLY have 100% across the board.

                  they fall when the idiot boys, pressured by their cultural expecatations (and BECOMING the cultural stereotype in the process), start getting overtly sexual. they become very forceful with these girls and the girls, almost always, get sucked in.

                  the kids with both parents at home seem to be ableto ward off the peer pressure much easier.

                  i am 32. it is tough when i have a parent conference and the kid's mom is only 25 years old. then it gets tougher when she starts flirting with me and coming on to me. i find it quite repulsive and insulting.

                  but, that is america in the 21st century!!!! gotta love it!!
                  Amen brother, I have a new found respect for you..I never knew you were a school teacher..That is one tough job..

                  hell, the stress level must be as high as mine alot of times..

                  As nuts as my job was..I don't think I could do your job man...

                  I give you much kudos..there is hope..I hope someone just has the balls big enough to address it..

                  Hell, I could address it all can you...let's hook up and go on 60 minutes!!
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #39
                    There's a term called "the dumbing down of America"
                    When the media glamorizes "ghetto" type of behavior to people outside of the ghetto, it brings those people down to that level. Instead of trying to bring the levels up they have been going down. And I'm sorry unless you make over $50,000.00 and can pass a psych exam there is no way you should be allowed to bring a child into this world if you a a single woman.
                    The broken "family unit" in this country is at the root of a lot of these issues.
                    I used to laught at all the white trash (and ghetto trash) that did the shows like Jerry springer, Maury Povich etc. You always saw the kid(s) and the distressed mom, but you never ever saw the dad.
                    Bootcamps for wild kids? Ever see the dads on those shows?
                    No accountability, no family structure? good god what happened here.
                    And to all of the teachers on this board.. my hats off to you, as far as I'm concerned there should be a cop in every freaking classroom at all times. Let's see some punk ass 14 year old pull a knife a a female teacher when someone packing is standing there watching.
                    My daughter is only 4 but me and the mrs. are already looking at private elementary schools because I want to avoid as much of this bull shit as possible. Private elemetary schools? what the fuck is going on in this country?
                    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


                    • #40
                      Location. Location. Location and good schools. Remember that the next time you move. My little, "Status" survey showed that there a lot of married Family-Guys on this board. You single guys take note. The depth of this board is stunning; educational; erudite; and Great. There is a lot more here than guitars. This place has class.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • #41
                        I don't think America is corrupt..but it is micro managed by a lot of crooked assholes..

                        I wish ill will on a particulair Mayor and BOE leader...ex Mayor Michael R White and Barbara Byrd Bennet..they really put the nail in the coffin with our schools..I don't know what it will take to recover..if we can..

                        He was indicted on theft of 30 Million dollars ... that couldn't happen to a nicer fella..

                        Bennet refused to take a pay cut and quit, after firing a bunch of teachers and schooll emplyees...she's in NY now making even more money..and she's not worth a penny of it...she'll eventually hang herself..they always do..I hope!
                        Last edited by horns666; 07-11-2006, 03:14 PM.
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by kmanick
                          There's a term called "the dumbing down of America"
                          When the media glamorizes "ghetto" type of behavior to people outside of the ghetto, it brings those people down to that level. Instead of trying to bring the levels up they have been going down. And I'm sorry unless you make over $50,000.00 and can pass a psych exam there is no way you should be allowed to bring a child into this world if you a a single woman.
                          The broken "family unit" in this country is at the root of a lot of these issues.
                          I used to laught at all the white trash (and ghetto trash) that did the shows like Jerry springer, Maury Povich etc. You always saw the kid(s) and the distressed mom, but you never ever saw the dad.
                          Bootcamps for wild kids? Ever see the dads on those shows?
                          No accountability, no family structure? good god what happened here.
                          And to all of the teachers on this board.. my hats off to you, as far as I'm concerned there should be a cop in every freaking classroom at all times. Let's see some punk ass 14 year old pull a knife a a female teacher when someone packing is standing there watching.
                          My daughter is only 4 but me and the mrs. are already looking at private elementary schools because I want to avoid as much of this bull shit as possible. Private elemetary schools? what the fuck is going on in this country?
                          You guys really get the real picture here man..I'm digging this thread..this shit must be said...this is our kids we are talking about man...F politics!!!..

                          as for that "cultural diversity" class in my police acedemy..I have a good one to tell..

                          Good talks man..very good!
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #43
                            What does all this ranting about our school-age kids have to do when you send the kid to college? It's going to bankrupt you. I guess my point is, give your kid every chance to go to college and bless you for it. But, here is where it gets off the wall. If my 23 year old son decided to go to college, I would pay for it. I sold a house and then I would be broke.
                            Last edited by fett; 07-11-2006, 03:34 PM.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • #44
                              You guys make tears in my eyes!! I have been feeling this way for years and it has only gotten worse. If I was a teacher, I probably wouldn`t make it 1 year, I would knock one of the little bastards out. I seriously don`t trust any politicians anymore and voting is getting harder and harder. But, all in all, it comes down to the home and family and so many of them are broken and generations of said circumstance. I have a 6 1/2 year old Son and I try so hard everyday to teach him respect, it truely is an uphill battle and the society around us makes it even more so. Jack.


                              • #45
                                Here's what my then 17 year old son said, now 23. "Kids suck. I hate them." And he gave me the reasons why. He's a smart kid (man now). From where are the new teachers comimg? I'll bet you $50, that people of his age will "Pass". "I'm melting. I'm melting. What a world. What a world!!!!"
                                I am a true ass set to this board.

