I need some help/advise on deciding what I need for use at home and at church. For the past 8 months, I've been using a Variax 500 into a POD XT Live going to a mixer/PA. I have a JBL monitor in front of me with all my band coming through it. For 90-95% of the songs we play I use the Martin acoustic guitar setting. For the other 5% or so, I use the Fender Telecaster setting for the few songs that we play that have to use an electric guitar. And, that is all I use the Variax and XT Live for. So, basically I'm probably using like 1-3% of the capacity of the combo. I don't need all the other stuff that it can do nor care about what it can do. I have an Ibanez EP7 for practice at home and as a back up on Sunday if the Variax breaks. The thing is, I'm getting tired of lugging around the Variax and XT Live around and having to set it up every week. The XT Live is actually pretty heavy.
And, the Variax's neck is a little beefy, but not bad. My hand tends to cramp if I have to do bar chords up around the 7th fret or so. Alright here is what I'm thinking. I could probably get away with just having a Taylor T5 and that's it. I can run it through a direct box right into our mixer/PA and be done with it. I tried a Standard last night and the neck is pretty much perfect for me. It is thin and wide all the way up the neck. And, it is a lot lighter on the shoulder too. So, tell me what you think. Should I sell my Variax and XT Live and get a T5? I'm already selling my EP7.
