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Why are you guys so pissed off?

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  • Why are you guys so pissed off?

    This bashing is getting out of hand. I have been here a while and this is the worse I have seen it. We are getting a lot of new people on the board and I wonder what they think of all this redneck talk? Have we run out of things to talk about to the point where we use Youtubes or throw out inflamatory statements and articles to raise a topic? We are losing a lot of "Style Points" here and, I think, we are losing our "Class Act" status as a forum.
    I am a true ass set to this board.

  • #2
    Shut up hippy.
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


    • #3
      You guys are ranting because you realize that you really don't have any control over your lives. The international scene is falling apart. The domestic economy is all smoke and mirrors. You have no faith in our leaders. And you are rapidly losing faith in our institutions. Other than that, everything's fine.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        I listen to Neil Young's "Living With War" in its entirety once a day, it keeps my edge sharp.

        "Don't need no terror squad! Don't need no Damn Jihad, blowing themselves away in my hood! You can't talk to the them, you can't learn from them...hate don't negotiate with good!"

        As Bill would say...FUGGUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


        • #5
          I'm pissed at your sig line, Fett! In fact, I just may start a thread about it!

          K, you edited it...much classier now!
          Last edited by RacerX; 07-13-2006, 05:02 PM.
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            See, I already ranted.:ROTF: :ROTF:
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #7
              we are losing our "Class Act" status as a forum.

              "class" is for suckers -
              Dave ->

              "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


              • #8
                Originally posted by fett
                You guys are ranting because you realize that you really don't have any control over your lives. The international scene is falling apart. The domestic economy is all smoke and mirrors. You have no faith in our leaders. And you are rapidly losing faith in our institutions. Other than that, everything's fine.
                "We" are the institution there Bruthah. Remember..."We the People"?. "We" are the ones who are supposed to keep our leaders on track, in check, and accountable. "We" are the ones who have the right to speak our minds. Right, wrong, or indifferent, remaining silent accomplishes nothing.


                • #9
                  We're pissed off because it's human nature and ranting is healthy. The last time I bottled up my own frustration, I actually punctured one of my lungs the moment finally lost my temper.
                  Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                  "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                  • #10
                    Hey Fett:

                    Welcome to our newest member, hatefor "

                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #11
                      I am the JCF BADMIN, and I'm happy as fukk!!!!
                      It's summertime, there box everywhere, it so beautiful outside, no hunidity,
                      no mosquitos, tons of box everywhere, no need for screens or air conditioning at night, there's box everywhere. I'm a walking erection I am so happy-lol (I'm a dickhead) Hatred? Pissed off? I see none of that here, so
                      grab a beer, or twist a fatty, jump a robo-beach babe, or a "box of wine", and go for it, instead of posting up how we're not making good posts.
                      That's my post for the host to toast the most to the only coast to live -
                      Southern Cal. I fukkin' love it.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MBreinin
                        I listen to Neil Young's "Living With War" in its entirety once a day, it keeps my edge sharp.

                        "Don't need no terror squad! Don't need no Damn Jihad, blowing themselves away in my hood! You can't talk to the them, you can't learn from them...hate don't negotiate with good!"

                        As Bill would say...FUGGUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I agree with Mike here..

                        My dear Fett, we are pissed but that gets things done sometimes..well it hasn't yet, but I think it's just begun.

                        I can speak for myself..why am I so pissed off..

                        well I'll try to do this breifly..but there is alot of ground to cover here.

                        I took a civil service job is good faith to help others in Jan 1992..

                        I was assigned to the worst district in our city. It was 100% minority and the busiest area in Ohio as far as violent crime, the only white guys you saw there was the fire and police and other officials. I was hired right after the aftermath of the Riot in LA that trickled all the way to Cleveland..I assumed this was common in most urban cities. White officers wern't not welcomed with open arms, and were viciously attacked, even shot at. These cities have administrations that want to appease it's communities and jump on any bogus complaints they make..the cops I worked with were the nicest guys I have ever met, and we were called on the carpet for everything and were scrutinized by those officials that were supposed to support us...Crime went unchecked and out of control.

                        To add insult to injury we had a cop named Gerry Goode who killed himself because our Mayor Michael R White publicly threw him under the bus in c/w racism in the media..he was a black cop..a nice man, who became a scapegoat for the Mayor..losing face in the department...and killed himself.

                        If that wasn't bad enough..Mayor Michael R White allowed The KKK to use our parking facilty to stage against our will..making us look terrible to the community we serve.

                        Black cops didn't have to deal with this kind of pressure for the obvious..they abused their power more than anyone..they'll beat the dick off you without hesitation...they got a free ride from the start with affirmative action...and worked the least. They lived in the district as well, so they wopuld go home frequently, talk on the phone and just pull over women for phone numbers. and show up for roll call 1-2 hours late without question..I was written up for comming to work 15 minutes late...if you think I'm lying your dead wrong. ..and they had their own private union called "the black shield" club, that we couldn't be members of..blatant double standards..could you imagine if we had a "white shield" club..we all had our union for all officers.

                        So, I know how exactly how this political stuff works behind the scenes..what doesn't make the news and media..true hands on experience.

                        Because of this unjust treatment from top brass ..My guys were afraid to do their job in fear of lawsuites..which can be dangerous because it clouds your judgement while performing their duties..therefore cops turned a blind eye to alot of crime..allowing the perps to have their fear of an uproar in the community they serve and in fear of in the death of Michael Pipkins in 1993 for friend Gibson and Tank was involved in that..they were made to look so bad on the news for years..Gibson actaually went nuts..then was found not guilty and was paid over 300K each and was re-instated to the department..because they did no wrong doing..and was on administrative leave without pay for several years..Jef Gibson went off on a mental disability.

                        Cops are very well trained to handle every situation, we didn't mind that part, we knew of the danger going in.. It was the constant pressure and fear tactics used by the administration to go out blind folded and our hands tied..when this happends things spiral out of's bad when your bosses don't back you when you do the job your supposed to do

                        Teachers do the same thing..they try do do what's right...but they to are under this same microscope of political correctness..therefore they to turn a blind fear of getting in trouble..losing control of the students.

                        Employers are also under attack by these same principles..they are deadly afraid to approach a minority who is fear of the NAACP claiming discrimination...therefore they turn a blind eye to avoid being put on the defense and or lawsuites..losing control of their employees..we all seen that first hand..I think everyone here can relate to that..No problemo cracking the whip on a hard working white boy who's picking up the slack for those who are on the phone all day with their girlfreinds or baby's daddy..I speak from experience.

                        So you have inner city Cops, Teachers and Employers and etc that are timid to uphold basic standards in fear of bogus complaints..which brings us to the state we are now in..

                        The border ..same damn thing..we should have sealed that fucker 50 years ago..lots of blind eyes there for the same reasons..but now ALL of this is biting us in the ass...and now we are finally addressing it..still with a lot of resistance from our own government and civilians..

                        This is why we have all these problems..

                        PC and special interest is forcing people to allow the unjust go unchecked..

                        I was seriously injured on March 29, 2001..and was forced to take a early retirement in November of 2003..

                        with all that I said..I still loved my job, I did it with pride and honor..I still had alot left in me..but my injury really tooks it's toll, that happends..I'm not mad for that..that just comes with the territory...I lost alot of I feel lucky...even tho in major pain.

                        I'm mad at the treatment we get from our own adminsitration...they are the ones that are racists..and divided the police department with alot of tension and false accusations..that is not the way to maintain a effecient department..we need to be united,..not divided....special interests divide..NOT unite.

                        It's time to take off the rose colored galssed and dust off the sugar coating..and see thing for what they really are..

                        But the media and local goverments agenda..smoke and mirrors..exactly..but I saw what's going on behing those mirrors..and belive me..most people are in the dark and really haven't a clue

                        I said these things in the past and was attacked everytime..I was the bad guy just a few years ago...but now my story hasn't changed and I can elaborate even more now without arguement..

                        I didn't change but the social climate of this country has..people are starting to see this for themselves..what I knew all along.
                        Last edited by horns666; 07-13-2006, 05:44 PM.
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #13
                          come live in NY & commute & deal with the NYC rat race......from people who live in multi million dollar apts, to the poorest homeless crackheads, from white to black & every color in between. people who speak no english chargin $5 for a hotdog & a coke. add to that heat & humidity. it still amaizes me that more people dont get stabbed & thrown in front of subways, welcome to the concrete hell. if youve never taken the NYC subways in summer during rush hour you have no clue what pissed off is.

                          im just glad there plenty of free range titties flopping around this time of yr.....thank god im not gay.....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by horns666
                            I fear of an uproar in the community they serve and in fear of in tghe death of Michael freind Gibson was involved in that..he was made to look so bad..he went nuts..he was found not guily and was paid over 300K and was re-instated to the department..because he did no wrong doing..and was on administrative leave without pay for several years.
                            I dunno, Bill, them Cleveland cops got a brutal rep:

                            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                            • #15
                              The only ones that is getting bashed are those who need it..

                              As for me..I just want to share what I've learned all these years as a police officer in a ghetto..and hopefully enlighten a few folks...the way I was.

                              Something learned is never forgotten..I can't pretend these problems don't exist..and just twiddle my thumb and whistle my way thru life..

                              I'd like to..but that's impossible at this point.
                              Last edited by horns666; 07-13-2006, 05:52 PM.
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

