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  • Originally posted by MBreinin
    IDF troops aren't as good as Western troops? Really? I guess MI-6 is also superior to the Mossad?

    Yeah, man, you know the guy that saves the world all the time is Bond, James Bond, not Yehudin, Avi Yehudin.
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • No one is going too nuke anyone. That region is so tight geographically it wouldn't make sense. It reminds me a lot of the American Revolution and the Civil War. Both wars were fought in a tight area. 50 miles any whichway to start. Then it spread out. At first, it was just an incident that turned into a major historical change. Stop the personal BS and focus on our ability to witness a major world event. Please.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • Originally posted by hippietim
        FUCK YOU. I'm of German descent and I REALLY don't like the tone of that remark.
        You know what Tim? I think it's very obvious that that exchange was personal between me and Tom over an incident in the past. It wasn't about you, so take the chip off your shoulder for once, okay?
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • Originally posted by charvelguy
          Oh, I see your angle.. bring them to the point of destruction so they'll yield... till when?.. the next generation realizes their hatred is taught to be justified?
          Or they are supplied nukes? So then, you'd have to also bend the knee of Syria, Iran..etc as they are the larger demons in the region in wait. In fact .. there are those who view this 'war' as the contrived Iranian distraction from the nuke issue. I wish it could be different for all. Displace them all (Pals) in Syria, they have plenty of land. It is the same as Arabs wanting Jews displaced here.. we have plenty of land for them..after all our infrastructure is 'controlled' by them according to Arabs in the region.

          Yep.. and given human nature this 1.2 mile buffer zone Israel proposes won't work either. Given they seemed to have destroyed a UN outpost before the objective was completed. You can imagine what result would likely occur during a peacekeeping mission by a multinational force of hundreds of military per nation if something went haywire in a similar incedent of 'protection'. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran or Syria expertly disguised tanks and planes to look Israeli in the future for a repeat event.

          Forgive my cheap shot me ridiculous and foolishishly laughable for having a difference of opinion. Use of force and the optimistic hope for peace only lasts for so long. Should Israel stand by and take it without action? no. I support their taking the offense for their defense.. unfortuntately, the region and the world opinion often does not.

          I just heard the Syrian ambassador to US say yesterday on MPR that the Hezbullah will defeat the Israeli offense. See.. even if Israel pounds the piss out of them, when they retreat after all is rubble...the idiots jump out of their gopher holes with victory signs, firing their guns into the sky and call it a victory. Then reorganize in the protected wings of Syria/Iran while the poor cheer the martyred heros of the cause..making them even more popular in death for standing up to superior technology/forces and at the same time calling the Israeli's cowards for ending the fight.

          Israel nuking Damascas while the US takes out Iran? hmm.. I don't believe the rest of the Arab world sitting idle on the sidelines...even if they are 'weaker'.
          I have no problem with a difference of opinion Tom. Apology accepted.

          As for the Arab world sitting idle, well, let's see... who in the Arab world has the power to do anything about it? Egypt? No. Saudi Arabia? No. Libya? No. The UAE? No. Syria and Iran ARE the only substantial Arab powers militarily other than Egypt.

          The Roman example is valid. Carthage was a power and rival to Rome until after the Third Punic War, when Carthage was razed and the citizens sold into slavery. Islamic terrorism, I believe, will ultimately cause the Western powers to HAVE TO declaw them, deprive them of military capability. If any Islamic terrorist does get ghold of a nuke and uses it, that will lead to nuclear reprisals and the effective extinction of Arab power in any meaningful sense. They won't be able to build A-bombs from reservations. I think that is where this will lead once they strike a serious enough blow to cause us to drop the veneer of civilization. They might get A nuke, or a few; we have thousands and much better delivery systems.

          The UN is proving to be a joke, and a bad one. The alternative will be a retreat to power blocs as in the past. The terrorists are not only a threat to us, but to the Europeans, Russians and Chinese as well. Ultimately all these powers will cooperate to eliminate the Islamic terror threat. This is what I see as the future, because the world will have to deal with it one way or the other. The UN is too corrupt and more important, ineffectual, to get things done. Unfortunately they do put peacekeepers in harm's way. Better to have them out of there than trying to perform a useless job.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • I guess we are getting bored. This event has been going on for 2 weeks now. That's long enough when you had the "7 Day War" to settle things. But that was then and this is now. There is a saying: "The line has been drawn in the sand." And someone stepped over it. They have peashooters aganist radar guided whatevers. The peashooters have a "Cause" and so do the Big Guns. The taking of 3 Israeli soldiers was calculated and, by the old rules, was supossed to be chips in the "Exchange Game". Well, the old rule book is out the window. This situation has gotten bigger than anyone expected. And that is how real Wars are started. I think it will be local, but it will be a big deal. The West, again, is a dime long and a dollar short. This is a diplomatic nightmare for the "West".
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • Originally posted by fett
              This is a diplomatic nightmare for the "West".
              Oh, I don't know. Keeping in mind that this has always been about Iran, it looks to me like a diplomatic windfall for the "West". The snakes are slithering out from the rocks and showing what they're made of. It was already pretty hard for the usual suspects to openly support Iran when Ahmadinejad opened his mouth. Now that the Iranians' actions begin to match their words, it will become even harder.

              No question that both sides are playing for keeps.

              I'm watching the tightrope act by Saudi Arabia and Jordan with much interest.
              Last edited by petedz; 07-27-2006, 04:49 PM.
              This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


              • back to the U.N shit..

                well what do you know.. it appears that Hezbollah terrorists used that U.N post to hide from the attacks, using the whole post and the U.N soldiers as a human shield.. no one said anything untill it happened! Why didn't Israel stop the bombing after U.N called 14-15 times or whatever..? well what are they suppose to do? they look at a U.N post from above and all they see is people with AK's and RPG's aiming at helicopters.. what are they suppose to do?

                The U.N is a bullshit organization.. in 2002 when israeli soldiers were kidnapped the U.N didn't say shit.. they just made a little home video of how the soldiers are kidnapped and how the jeep was getting away

                If you see that Hezbollah members are coming in and using the building as a hidout.. why didn't they say anything? why did we have to find out after the bombing? why don't they say anything when they see terrorists launching rockets right infront of their eyes?

                i bet if Hizbollah killed some U.N members no one would say anything...
                If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


                • the irony is killing me!


                  • Originally posted by MBreinin
                    I will say this, Justin, you certainly add some entertainment value to this post. IDF troops aren't as good as Western troops? Really? I guess MI-6 is also superior to the Mossad?

                    fuck yeahh us brits would tear them pussys a new arse hole mate you know its true.Did i mention mossad?i was refering to the IDF mate if you read early posts by me on this threas you will see i mentioned they should have used mossad-want the job done to perfection call in our lads but you havnt got our SF so make do with your own lot


                    • Originally posted by jjw
                      fuck yeahh us brits would tear them pussys a new arse hole mate you know its true.Did i mention mossad?i was refering to the IDF mate if you read early posts by me on this threas you will see i mentioned they should have used mossad-want the job done to perfection call in our lads but you havnt got our SF so make do with your own lot
                      I'll bet my guitar collection that when it comes down to kicking arab ass, the Israelis are far better versed than your lads over there. Hell, I would better the IDF would hand your lads their asses.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • lol you talk out your arse mate!give up now or look like a fucking muppet
                        IDF is hyped up-sure they have amercian tools but that its-dont be silly and think there world big boys as they arnt-enlgand/germany and usa could rip them apart in ground warfare
               to playing guitars or driving English cars


                        • lol i could understand you saying that about the american army!!!hahahahahaha


                          • I hope your military equipment is better constructed than this $70k Jag I drive, mate!

                            I can see it now, some Brit fighter jockey has to make an emergency landing in his Harrier to perform a quick electrical fixer before he can proceed into combat. You'all are high on elegance, and very low on execution. I guess at least the Tornado should hold together since the Germans had an equal hand in designing it.

                            I wonder if the trim pieces fall off in the cockpit?


                            p.s. I'd rather drive an English tart, at least they have sexy accents.
                            Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                            • You guys are full of it. Western military might has never been able to defeat a grassroots army and make it stick. The people will eventually win. That's history. You can defeat a country, but you can't defeat the people. Israel can blow up all the buildings they want. Been there. Done that. Rockets can fly both ways. But, unless there is a fundmental change in the human nature that is the Middle-East, there will be no peace.
                              I am a true ass set to this board.


                              • But it's not a true grassroots army, Fett. It is instigated and funded by the government of Iran with local support from Syria. That support can be cut off and very quickly as they run out, or run short, of military supplies and money, the situation will change.

                                That's why this is really in danger of spreading, because the temptation for Israel is to strike at the head of the snake. That could take years off of this war ultimately..

                                Part of me would really hate to see the spread, but another part feels that if it's inevitable and necessary to neutralize Iran to solve this problem, may as well get it over with.
                                Ron is the MAN!!!!

