as a brit we are born to help the underdogs mate,its all about fighting fairly.the middle east is a fucking nightmare on BOTH sides with the fanatics from both faiths being just as bad as each other.i fucking hate to see those palistianian toddlers wearing suicide belts!!the brits are too good to loose this war(it would never happon!)to israel unless America helped them out(no one can match your firepower!)we realy are the dogs bollox when it comes to trained killers,just need the american defence budget to match our skills to your harware
When the I.R.A bombed civvies over here on the main land in blighty did we behave as we are seeing in the middle east now!If we did it would mean bombing the fuck out of Dublin or even laying into Boston where a lot of green money turned into gun money.there is no need for this overkill aproach-mossad have the skills to do the work silently,i just wish out special forces from delts to speznaz teamed up and killed all these nutters silently with hardly anyone knowing about it-doing it the way we are at the moment anly makes there numbers bigger

When the I.R.A bombed civvies over here on the main land in blighty did we behave as we are seeing in the middle east now!If we did it would mean bombing the fuck out of Dublin or even laying into Boston where a lot of green money turned into gun money.there is no need for this overkill aproach-mossad have the skills to do the work silently,i just wish out special forces from delts to speznaz teamed up and killed all these nutters silently with hardly anyone knowing about it-doing it the way we are at the moment anly makes there numbers bigger
