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  • Geo-Politics

    Well, the Middle East is going to screw us all. The next few days are going to impact this country and the rest of the world. Those guys are crazy all across the board. The deep down issues there are beyond our comprehension. I am old enough to have gone from the 1967 War to today. The history of this region is a great read. From before WW1 thru the next week . The difference is that this in is our backyard. I am not going to offer an opinion, I am just stating that this situation will impact us, bigtime.
    I am a true ass set to this board.

  • #2
    This is another shit storm, and it is being stirred up by the regular customers. I think you can point your finger squarely at Iran, who is trying to egg the Lebanese and Palestinians on to take some heat off of their nuke program. Of course, our intelligence may also be shitty and they may be pushing this conflict so they can put a nuke in the hands of another country to use on Israel.

    That would be catastrophic because it would most certainly start the Third World War.

    Of course, I always take sides in this one...and I like to see Israel pound the shit out of these fuckers.

    Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


    • #3
      I don't understand why north america has to get involved with Israel's stupid feud. I have nothing against them, but I don't want my life or the lives of my family and friends to be affected by a bunch of war-hungry jews and muslims. I don't want anything to do with any of them. They can blow the ever living shit out of each other for all I care.
      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


      • #4
        Thanks for bringing Iran up. There was a thread a long time ago when everyone was worried about Iraq. I stated that Iran was the one to watch. They are sleepers and control the whole region. We went after the wrong counrty and now it's coming home to roost. We, the West, don't even have a clue as to how to deal with this. We started it by making "nations" out of tribes and kingdoms with no idea of their history. We thought our Western ideals could be transplanted in a group of people that don't have a clue about what we are talking about. Well, we are wrong and we are goimg to be stuck with dealing with another war with people that play by different ideas and rules. For them, it's "Us or Them" to the death. Western influence will not work. This just sucks.
        Last edited by fett; 07-14-2006, 03:28 PM.
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #5
          Originally posted by zeegler
          I don't understand why north america has to get involved with Israel's stupid feud. I have nothing against them, but I don't want my life or the lives of my family and friends to be affected by a bunch of war-hungry jews and muslims. I don't want anything to do with any of them. They can blow the ever living shit out of each other for all I care.
          But that's not how it works. We are committed to Israel for more reasons than we have bandwidth to discuss. Good, bad or indifferent, we will get mixed up in this current crisis. Welcome to the "New World".
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #6
            Originally posted by zeegler
            I don't understand why north america has to get involved with Israel's stupid feud. I have nothing against them, but I don't want my life or the lives of my family and friends to be affected by a bunch of war-hungry jews and muslims. I don't want anything to do with any of them. They can blow the ever living shit out of each other for all I care.
            I don't think Israel is "war hungry". I think they would love to live in peace, war serves no positive purpose for Israelis. However, they don't have this option due to the fact that their neighbors will not give them a moment to rest.

            Of course, it is very simple to pass judgment up there in the Great White North, because you are not dealing with anything even closely related to what is transpiring over there. Imagine if the city you lived in was in a constant state of invasion and terrorism. What would your response be then?

            Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


            • #7
              Mike, This is a golden opportunity for Israel to button up both ends. I, personally, think they ought to duke it out. I guess that's an opinion but the outbreak was started, I'm not so sure about that, by Hezzbulla (sp). This world is nothing more than a pot of soup. Some stuff is on the bottom and other stuff is on the top. Stir it up and you have to deal with the whole pot. Now, how do we dish it out to people who hate soup?
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #8
                When a shit storm like this gets started countries start looking at USA to get involved and be the intermediary. They "look" for USA leadership.
                I don't know about you guys, but I have seen enough westerns and middle ages flicks to know that the messenger always get killed.

                Standing behind Israel has brought us all this loon bags (Bin Laden, Khadaffi, etc.) and making us the bad guy for helping the Israeli people. Both sides have blame and as far as I can understand the conflict there will never be peace there.

                I doesn't help that we use their conflicts to our benefit; Soviet Union invades Afghanistan and the CIA uses it undermine and destruct the Soviet Union. When we were satisfied we left the Mujahadim out in the cold.
                We go to war with Irak, promise the kurds support and pull out and leave them stranded, etc.

                Just a mess of a world shit salad.
                Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                • #9
                  You guys do realize that when political or religious threads get brought up here, they usually wind up getting deleted, right?
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by toejam
                    You guys do realize that when political or religious threads get brought up here, they usually wind up getting deleted, right?
                    So be it. But, this is really important. I just hope it doesn't get nasty and stays with how it will impact us. Be cool you guys and let's see how this plays out.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #11
                      Well, keep in mind that Israel is the only nuclear power in the region. If it really came down to brass tacks, Israel could inflict more damage than any of the others. The Iranians have been sabre rattling with Israel today, and declared that Israel lacks enough power to even give them a dirty look....which is woefully incorrect...Israel could reduce them to a glass parking lot.

                      The real problem here would be Israel engaged in a multi-front war, so close to our war effort...that could seriously complicate things. However, I think this is a skirmish and the powers that somewhat hold the leashes, at least the arab nation's leashes, are going to step in and require a pull back. Syria is a non-entity striving for a place in "the game". However, Iran is a true problem...and the wild card.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MBreinin
                        I don't think Israel is "war hungry". I think they would love to live in peace, war serves no positive purpose for Israelis. However, they don't have this option due to the fact that their neighbors will not give them a moment to rest.

                        Of course, it is very simple to pass judgment up there in the Great White North, because you are not dealing with anything even closely related to what is transpiring over there. Imagine if the city you lived in was in a constant state of invasion and terrorism. What would your response be then?

                        You just made my point for me. It's not happening up here, so why should it affect me. I'm not a jew, or a muslim. I feel sorry for the innocent people on both sides that are being hurt or killed, but it's not my problem, not my war. They hate each other. They have been raised to hate each other. Whose fault is that? Certainly not mine. Don't make out like it's all one sided, because anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that's simply not true. I'll tell you why North America is involved. It's simply because the american jewish population has a lot of influence. It's just wrong. Plain and simple.
                        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MBreinin
                          Well, keep in mind that Israel is the only nuclear power in the region. If it really came down to brass tacks, Israel could inflict more damage than any of the others. The Iranians have been sabre rattling with Israel today, and declared that Israel lacks enough power to even give them a dirty look....which is woefully incorrect...Israel could reduce them to a glass parking lot.

                          The real problem here would be Israel engaged in a multi-front war, so close to our war effort...that could seriously complicate things. However, I think this is a skirmish and the powers that somewhat hold the leashes, at least the arab nation's leashes, are going to step in and require a pull back. Syria is a non-entity striving for a place in "the game". However, Iran is a true problem...and the wild card.

                          To be brutally honest, I hope they do exactly that. I'm well aware that the Israelis are generally more sane than the wackos on the other side, and would be elated to see Israel nuke the whole fucking lot of them, as long as they keep the rest of us out of it.
                          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                          • #14
                            a profound impact potential.

                            Israel is not to be fucked with lightly. I admire that, they take no shit from anyone and deal with it quickly and steadfast.

                            Man we got all sorts of shit brewing...Iran nukes, North Korea nukes, shit heating up again between India and Pakistan, Israel and Lebanon....WW III bound??


                            • #15
                              This is what we don't get. The Middle East countries were created by the "West" and they resent the hell out of that . If it weren't for oil and Israel, it would be Africa and we would not care. I listen to too much BBC. Don't let this thread get deleted. State your opinions and observations and do as the intelligent people that I know you are.
                              I am a true ass set to this board.

