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  • You take "Governments" out this and you will get to the bottom line. The tribes and religious groups still have the same agenda they have had forever. It will never be over with. And that's something we, in the West, will never comprehend. They will never accept countries and borders that were created by the West. They will never accept being forced into boundaries that separate kinfolk and beliefs. They have seen the demise of the USSR and the Balkans. The whole clock is turning back to pre-WW1 all over the world. Pick a continent.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • Antarctica. :ROTF:
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • I LOVE you guys...Fight the power ..

        To be seriouly honest tho..Ahhhhhhhhhhh FUGGUM!!

        I just care about our own..and our troops..

        As long as we keep that crap off our soil..we always do..once in a while a punk will sneak in a fuck somethin' up..yeah that can and will happen..

        But we'll never have "war" on our soil.."Civil" unrest or fighting..that's probable..but in that case..The strong will survive..they always do..that would be us!!

        ummm, it's natures way of taking a dump..

        It sounds like I don't have too much compassion doesn't it..yep, I don't...that's all used all that up!

        As long as I got my air on, sipping iced tea holdin' my sack and my friends and family is all good..freaky deaky..let the good times roll.

        We're good..we are OK..he we are "talking" about it..some of you with the air and Iced tea..and the's a beuatiful thing

        That's America baby..and The American it, love it...fuggit!

        Carry on..

        I will rate this a 5 ..well all my friends are here..

        I had my own war this weekend..with a "gang" ohhhhhhh scary.....I won!! :ROTF:

        Get rid of one asshole, two more pop up in my hood..that's ALWAY my war!!


        Sweet Willaim Z Bub
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • I'm Melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • Originally posted by fett
            I'm Melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
            So Fett's in his undies with a fan on..:ROTF:

            awesome visual..

            Well, get the Iced Tea brother Fett..take a sip...ahhhh taste good!!
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • I don't need to show you no stinking undies!!!!:ROTF: I can get naked if I want cus I am all by myself. Getting back to the point, how will this end?
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • Rock On get a FIVE!!
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • IMO...if the US wants to be a major player in the world for being a leader in the future economic has to cut off its predominant dependence on oil for basic consumer transportation, and eventually for all applications. In doing this... it will also neuter the power that the Arabs have aquired ..and.. will continue to grab in the world economic market.. which is fast becoming a sqeezed nut grab and headlock at the same time.

                  I think Bush knows this but this other crap on a daily basis is detracting from implementing a plan for the future. Its not about Mars or a space station ..altho those would be great if the shuttles can stop from disappearing.

         a nation need to be a leader in alternative fuels. It needs to start with basic commuter.. hydrogen buses, cars used for gov't service, public transportation.
                  The federal gov't. needs to look itself in the mirror and start with itself.. then help the states fund for change and offer perks to change in their public transportation system.

                  I know it seems impossible to get a huge insurmountable conversion plan going to change gears from the path we have put ourselves on in the past 100 years, but it has to change or it will only become increasing more concentrated on using and competing for Arab oil. They will only continue to use it as a bargaining chip and forcing the world market and economy into dire straits in exchange for the dominance in their region. I think the Bush administration thought Iraq would be a more successful conversion and major contributor in oil to balance the market.

                  The oil companies and CEO's who are taking in huge profits need to do something to get this rolling too. That will be like pulling teeth. It has to happen on a Federal/state level to set the example and get the ball rolling.


                  • Oh, the next month or two is going to be interesting.. when Iran responds to the nuclear issue on August 22... seems it has already made up its mind

                    bottom line.. Iran already responded when they and Syria inspired the Hezbollah to take offensive action against Israel. They will reject any outside world control and continue to assert their position that they have a right to openly develope and be unrestricted in 'peaceful' nukes...which will turn into 'defensive' nukes. This is beginning to sound alot like North Korea's politics. If you think its ugly now.. its going to get a lot less pretty in the coming months. The UN is inneffective in dealing with this as they can't control the assertion of their own resolutions if countries ignore international law and take matters into their own hands..further spiraling this into all out conflict. Think Austria US, GB and France stood by and did essentially nothing. Then think Poland 1939.
                    Tho it was clear to the world Germany was openly the offender even when Germany tried to disguise the offensive against Poland as being a defensive action against Polish aggression. The true tragic irony of this will be the day when Israel is compared to a Germany of 1939.

                    Iran..and I imagine Syria as well will continue to respond as Israel continues its offensive by escalating the issue with their support in the conflict.. they will begin to openly supply the Hezbollah with both arms and manpower.

                    They are dealing the deck to make it look like Israel and the US are the bad guys when responsive action is taken.. very deliberate politics being played out here IMO.

                    Now Iran is playing the marked deck with a likely response to have nukes for defensive 'peace'.

                    They want a war, and they want to blame Israel's offensive and the US support for it.

                    If Israel takes the offensive further as it sees fit for its security, the US may have to change its position of support or be in a minority voice with GB. It looks like pre Iraq politics all over again. Where are the WMD's? .. the Arabs will point to Israel.
                    Question is.. will intervention, Israel's withdrawl..and a 'peacekeeping' force even be a viable option at that point.

                    Last edited by charvelguy; 07-30-2006, 03:27 PM.


                    • We support Israel for historical reasons. We invaded Iraq for dubious reasons. We need the Mid-East for their oil. Here's the bad part. These guys in the Mid-East that are taking on Israel and the West could care less about oil. There is no oil in Lebanon or Israel. This is a blood feud. This situation transcends the concern about oil and alternative energy. If the US could stop using oil tomorrow, it wouldn't have any impact on what is going on right now. The West screwed up making these countries and it is coming home to roost. There is a lot of oil out there and the price you see now is nothing more that speculators playing the "Fear Factor". Oil for the fighters is something you cook with.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • Oh, I understand that.. the days of taking the reigns of oil and future alternative paths were pretty much ignored when the red flags for fair play were thrown back in the 70's and the first econo cars showed up from Japan. Had I known I could lock in gas prices at 1.50 or 2.00/ gallon five years ago I would have by now with as much as I could afford. Now, as a general consumer.. I won't pass on the 2.75 mark and I may have to settle for locking in at 2.90 for a grand+ worth of gas in the coming months.

                        Anyways..I know this is about more blood and armor at present... the present situation will likely spin a tighter spiral when Hezbollah are supported by more arms, firepower and eventually manpower. Hezbollah have already called for all out war.. Arabs states deny they are not directly associated with Iran or Syria but rather are supported 'morally'..even tho Lebanon knows better,.. the shots are being called by those two, Lebanon is just a regional battlefield with a countries name.
                        Will Iran and Syria declare formal war along with Egypt? I think Iran is in the forefront of trying to shape the 'new' regional regime and rule of Islam..time will tell. IMO.. if they were to declare war they would face major destruction but there are alot more Arabs than Jews.. given Iran is now playing a N Korea stance of 'mutual destruction' makes it no longer a war of simply conventional weapons.
                        Plus..Civil war could break out in Iraq further causing more instability and US involvement.
                        Last edited by charvelguy; 07-30-2006, 04:15 PM.


                        • It's a proxy war with Israel representing the West and Hizbollah representing Iran aka the Islamo-facist terrorist machine.

                          If this escalates I think Syria and Iran will get involved. Israel will deal with Syria and the US will deal with Iran as far as preventing supplies from being delivered are concerned. We can sink Iranian shipping at will and bomb their caravans as they try to cross Iraq and Syria unobserved. Of course the Iranians claim to have missiles and/or torpedoes that we can't stop. If they actually damage or sink one of our ships then they will get smashed by our carrier task forces. Our strategy might even be to prod them into doing just that so we can claim self-defense.

                          I think the Israelis are going to be very thorough about this, anbd do as much damage as they possibly can while they're in Lebanon. I can't blame them for that, and while I sympathize for the Lebanese, they are so supportive of Hezbollah and harbor it to such a degree, they are really not innocent bystanders but active collaborators. If you participate in the battle, you may get hurt and even killed.
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • That gas lock-in you mention was a masterstoke. I wish that program was nationwide. The diplomacy and the mindset of the past is just getting in the way. And that's all we have. And that's what's going to make this drag on with no resolution.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • Originally posted by fett
                              That gas lock-in you mention was a masterstoke. I wish that program was nationwide. The diplomacy and the mindset of the past is just getting in the way. And that's all we have. And that's what's going to make this drag on with no resolution.

                              see.. if every company/station held their own fuel reserves and sold gas like this..

                              I think current demand would go down, fuel prices would stabilize in the short term while we search out and impliment alternatives.
                              It's really no different than the military or what some trucking places already are doing, just the scale varies.


                              • I am hooked on the BBC. It's awful. My NPR station starts the BBC at 1AM PDT. It's wonderful to listen too but it sure fucks up my clock.:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
                                I am a true ass set to this board.

