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Hey all - long time no chat

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  • #16
    We all have you in our prayers Kristi. Plus you have one of the most stand up guys on the JCF standing behind you. You will do fine and finally have this part behind you.... I am very proud of you for standing up and facing this sicko !!
    Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


    • #17
      It's great to have you back here. You're in our thoughts while you go through this tough time.


      • #18
        Yikes!!! This shouldn't happen to anyone and, yet, it happens a lot. I wish you an easy course and may the perp rot in prison. It's going to be a long haul and we are behind you 100%."'What a world. What a world."
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #19
          You're in my thoughts and prayers, and yeah, rapists don't do well in prison, nor do convicted cops. Hopefully the combination in his case will assure that he NEVER is able to do this to anyone again. He will probably die in prison, and long before his sentence is completed. That will be just punishment IMO.

          Good luck putting that bastard away! You can do it!
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #20
            Mrs Tekky,

            You and your husband are in my and my families thoughts. I hope this scumbag gets put away for a LONG time and you get some closure to this.

            "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"

