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Is WWIII apon us? Are YOU ready?

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  • Is WWIII apon us? Are YOU ready?

    All these posts, along with posts on other boards seem to point to one thing: We are in the beginning stages of WWIII.

    But I think this one will be different. It wont just be contained to the middle east. It will also be in Asia/N. Korea, and worst of all, a revolution on our very own soil, along with terrorist attacks. I guess you could say alot of people saw this coming... now its rearing its ugly head, and we cant do anything to stop it.

    I find it a bit too convenient that this fighting is starting all around our troops in the middle east. We just happenned to be there, and they just happenned to start an open war with us smack dab in the middle.

    I think alot of innocent lives are going to be lost, and our military is going to suffer many casualties. With the state of our country financially, politically, and with the immigrants, I fear things here are going to get worse.

    Now my question to all of you: Are YOU read? By ready I mean a few things. Draft wise... some of us are young enough to be drafted, myself included. Are you ready to be forced to possibly die for your country for a cause you might not believe in?

    My answer is... Im not sure. Im probably one of the most patriotic people you've ever met. I love this country and would die for it in a heartbeat for the sake of freedom. But I will NOT die for some politicians beliefs or motives.

    Secondly, are you prepared firearms/defense wise? With the possibility of things here getting bad, are you ready to protect yourself, your family, and your property?

    Me... At the current time, I dont own any firearms. However, I think that will change in the near future. Ive been seriously considering legally purchasing a firearm or two, and as the days go by, this idea seems better and better. Problem is I dont really know anything about them, so Im gonna have to start learning shortly.
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...

  • #2
    I'm by no means ready to be drafted (18 in one and half years), but if it came to it, I suppose there wouldn't be any choice (except jumping ship). It doesn't seem like there would be a draft though since warfare is so much more different now. There's the possibility of it being a nuclear war in this case which would suck for everyone. For the other question, my parents own a couple firearms and everyone in my family knows how to shoot.
    If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


    • #3
      I do not believe we are quite there yet, but we are well on our way.

      I have been thinking about this for some time and all the signs are there. This morning I watched on the History channel a few back to back documentaries on the first Islam Bomb that Pakistan developed then a doc on Osama Bin Laden and then the invasion of Irak. Coupled that with what is going in Lebanon now and we have the ingredients for a future very explosive and destructive war.
      A war of the worst kind... a religious war.

      Muslims are convinced they are being persecuted and the twist some of these loony bags put on the Koran is one to fight to the death.
      Religious wars in the history of man have been some of the more destructive and lengthy wars ever.
      If a muslim nation does not unlesh nuclear war on someone it is going to be some terrorist org like Al Qaeda. It is just a matter of time. Unstable countries like Pakistan having around 50 ready missiles and up and comers like N Korea and Iran just complicate matters.

      This world sucks.....
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #4
        for me.. the beggining stages of WWIII started on sept 11 2001

        am i ready? well as i said in my other post, i am israeli and i lived there for 11 years.. if i didnt move to canada.. i would eventually end up going to the army..

        but, what do i know, im only 16
        If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


        • #5
          I'm way too old for the draft, and my health problems are such that they wouldn't take me as an enlistee.

          I do own firearms and will defend my family members as best I can with them. I don't expect anarchy on the streets here, at least not for long. I DO expect draconian enforcement of security protocols and a heavy military crackdown on the drug gangs. The best of the gangbangers will be drafted and the worst, well they'll be DOA. Niceties and PC treatment will disappear in the face of ugly realities.

          It will be a real ordeal, but we will emerge purged and stronger. We will also learn that our high principles must be tempered with a sense of the realities of this planet, so that our own idealism isn't used to wipe us off the face of Earth. The oft-quoted Ben Franklin had no concept of the hydrogen bomb. He had no concept of mankind being able to make the world uninhabitable. I believe that, had he conceived of these things or foreseen them, his freedom/security equation would've been very different, or it would have been discarded.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            Relax Rob, I seriously doubt that you're about to be drafted. I'll wager a case of your favorite beer that you make it above the age limit without being drafted (or a draft even being instituted in the US for that matter) no matter how old you are right now.

            The world is surely an ugly and dangerous place at the moment but that's nothing new. Iran isn't the next Germany, they don't have the industrial base to support a war effort the size of that put forth by the Germans in the 1940s and they don't have the technological prowess to be much more than a nuisance to a modern military (this presumes open warfare, not Iraq-style nation building). North Korea is a menace until our missile defense systems are up to par (thank those of our politicians who spent most of the last two decades trying to defund *all* of that research for the fact that we still have to worry about this sort of threat). India v. Pakistan will probably happen one day but we won't back Pakistan in that conflict and India won't need out help to finish it. Maybe 20 years down the road China will prove to be irresponsible in its newfound status as a superpower but that remains to be seen.

            The doomsday scenario is a few terrorist nukes being lit off in the west (via Iranian proxy groups, groups who secure them during the collapse of Pakistan, groups who purchase them from N. Korea, etc.) Even that won't bring back the draft because the retaliation for that sort of thing will last approximately 45 minutes and there won't be anyone left to fight on the other side when it's over.
            Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


            • #7
              We have some hard years ahead of us to go with those we've already seen.

              Calling this WWIII crosses over into uncalled-for hyperbole. My parents lived through WWII. The stories of what they endured are both heartbreaking and typical for their time. Will my children have to face what they did? I don't think so.

              Only those who have nothing to lose can fight the way the terrorists do. They can cause pain and fear and ruin individual lives, but ultimately they are powerless to bring about change. The moment they stand and fight--the moment they try to hold any ground--those who have something to lose will slap them to a pulp like a tired mosquito.

              In the mean time, we all suffer.
              This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


              • #8
                As far as draft goes... Im not worried about it, but I always keep every option open. That way IF one of them happens, I wont be as shocked. Im 24 btw, I dont know what the age range of the last draft was, guess I should look it up as a refrence. See, Ive always wanted to join the military. I did 4 years of ROTC in hichschool and loved it. I have a couple family members and friends in now too. And while I always wanted to join, Im now glad I didnt. Not because I dont want to defend my country, but because we are NOT defending our country over there in Iwreck. I believe in the principals this country was founded on, not what our current govt. trys to shove down our throats.
                Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                • #9
                  I personally don't believe there's going to be a WWIII. At least not on the grand scale the doomsdayers have been preaching for many years now or any time soon.

                  Every little thing that happens people jump to WWIII paranoia. So far it's just the same old mid east bullshit that flares up every few years... Along with a North Korean retard firing off dud fireworks, who'll most likely be taken out of the gene pool shortly either by natural selection or some sniper expediting that selection.

                  But, if some shit does break out am I ready? I don't think anyone is ever truely ready for war. The outcome can never be 100% predicted. So I'm as ready as I can be.

                  I do own firearms and I do know how to use them. I also believe a lot of people in this country will understand why America has the right to arms and why so many people, such as myself, get so worked up over this right being taken away.

                  And those who oppose the 2nd Ammendment...Well, just do the best ya can.
                  Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                  • #10
                    Im usually very pessimistic when it comes to the whole WW3 thing... this is actually the first time WW3 has come to thought on this grand of a scale. However, it seems like EVERYTHING is going to shit almost all at once. Better be safe than sorry eh? If we expect it and it doesent happen, thats GREAT. If dont expect it and it does happen, thats when panic sets in and things get even worse in a horrible situation. If it happens and we expect it, then we'll be ready for the most part, and more able to defend ourselves.
                    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                    • #11
                      That's all part of being prepared. Guns for example. It's a bit cliche', but it really is better to have one and not need it than to need it and not have it.

                      Another thing to keep in mind about all of this shit is the media has a way of making things seem far worse than they are. Lebanon is asking for a cease fire and Syria is offering to talk about all of this. No one knows what Syria has in mind, but the news is already saying the talks will be rejected.

                      Just keep an eye open and go about your business and don't worry until there's a real threat to worry about.
                      Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                      • #12
                        Hey Rob, Don't panic over all this stuff. For someone/somewhere, the world has always sucked.

                        Maybe the US will get a reality check with $4 a gallon gas, but really, don't worry about a draft yet.

                        The immigrant thing has me laughing personally. Maybe it's because I am up the street from San Antonio and that city is Mexico (and has a better Metal Scene for the last 20 years). I love mexicans, the problem I have now is all of our engineering is outsourced.

                        How scary is it to rely on tech and manufacturing in india and china? India dealing w/Pakistan and China becoming a true world power that we have NO IDEA how to control.

                        Anyway, choose the best POS leaders you can, get a good gun or two. Always learn to do for yourself, and let the chips fall where they may.

                        If you can grow a vegetable, shoot, clean, and cook a deer, and fix your own car, then you are more prepared than 90% of the bald monkeys on this piece of dirt.

                        My brother (2nd Lt) got married July 3, is 23 and goes to Kuwait in an Army Scout squad this summer. I hope he doesn't have to end up in Iraq, N.Korea, or Israel/Iran/Lebanon. But damnit if he does, this nation has one of it's best there.
                        When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                        • #13
                          We have been at World War III for a LONG TIME already, since 2001.

                          What you have to understand is, it's not as simple as, go to country A, fight badguy X and win the WW anymore.

                          WW III, the war against terroristic islamists, has been going on for quite a while now, worldwide attacks, the middle-east in turmoil, etc etc.
                          Anyways, I don't believe we are at a full-scale war yet, and who's to say we're not already? If it gets any worse we'll be likely to not feel much of it ourselves, like we're not feeling a heck of a lot of the current wars in those areas, besides higher gasprices, daily tv-news bulletins and an economy that is doing a couple % less good.
                          You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                          • #14
                            Just natures way of getting rid of her parasites that rape her daily!The pole shifts are the main killers when they come.Middle east is fucking stupid at the moment,Isreal is taking it too far.I see there spinning Iran into the equation with a possible misslile that fucked their ship from shelling think we should give all the arabs American hardware and training for a fair fight


                            • #15
                              Good God, ya'll.
                              What is it good for?

                              Getting rid of entire nations of people who just keep pushing their luck farther than they really should, when they really need to sit down and shut up.
                              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                              My Blog:

