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Is WWIII apon us? Are YOU ready?

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  • #31
    Guys, you really need to do some research on our capabilities. We could basicly cripple every country in the middle east withing a few months and not even have to launch a single Nuke. And that's with our existing Military.

    Lets leave out what is going on in Iraq because I dublt we will ever do that again.

    Secondly, are you prepared firearms/defense wise? With the possibility of things here getting bad, are you ready to protect yourself, your family, and your property?
    Do you really think it is going to come to that ? That our country is going to be overrun with Terrorists and we are going to have to shoot at them out of our windows ?


    • #32
      Originally posted by OnlineStageGear
      Do you really think it is going to come to that ? That our country is going to be overrun with Terrorists and we are going to have to shoot at them out of our windows ?
      dude, it has happened before. I've seen enough Gary Cooper westerns to know that. Time to circle the wagons, pilgrims
      Hail yesterday


      • #33
        Originally posted by YetAnotherOne
        We can discuss it right now, $6,200,000,000 down the memory hole in fiscal '06 & '07 to fight a disease (H5N1) that has yet to cause a casualty in the US. Meanwhile back on the ranch, people are actually dying. Annual totals for some of Amierca's largest killers:

        Heart Disease: 685,089
        Cancer: 556,902
        Stroke: 157,689
        Chronic lower respiratory diseases:126,382
        Accidents (unintentional injuries): 109,277
        Diabetes: 74,219
        H5N1: 0

        Call me crazy but governments have limited resources and I think I see more rational places that $6,200,000,000 could have been used if the goal is to keep relatively more Americans alive. Just a thought.
        Did you vote for Bush? Maybe you should write him and the experts and tell him he's wrong.

        Meanwhile.. contributions for cancer, heart disease and anything else have you wish to statistically complain about been more than generous over the decades...and 'some' of those mentioned are managable on a personal level for the most part but "we're in pretty damn good shape" for all the things we don't need to worry about that 'experts' claim will be problems.

        We can quote historical stats, that is the easy part. As you well know... its a different story to come up with hard numbers on something that is being predetermined to be a major issue.
        Take a natural disater like... Katrina. Looks like there was plenty of research money and restructuring for the homeland 'wasted' there too.

        Go ahead and write the CDC and tell them they are wasting their time.
        You have your opinion.. you're entitled.. share it with them too. BTW.. this is from their site, you may find it interesting.

        While you're at it, write the govt's of all the other nations effected by a virus like H5n1 where deaths have actually occured (including person to person) and millions of birds culled and explain that their time and money is wasted on the foolish folly of prevention. .. there's plenty of birds to go around.

        Forgive my sarcasm..I understand where you are coming from, I just don't believe you take the threat seriously enough and that is understandable given the current stats. Number of people dead from Katrina before Katrina hit.. "0".
        Number of people dead from the earthquake/Tsunami in Asia before it existed.. "0"

        Even more scary of a concept.. lets put the two together in a place like Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Thailand etc..
        ..with H5N1 or similar lethal viral strain now spreading unchecked due to catastrophic natural disaster, and it is spreading person to person, caregiver to caregiver. The possibility of it hitting hard here now looms its ugly head. Now it spreads to the wildfowl.

        It is a threat.. the potential is real.. just not real enough for you... yet. I hope you are right for everyones sake.
        Last edited by charvelguy; 07-17-2006, 12:15 PM.


        • #34
          I think we might start to get a little WWIII action going, then realize two years into it that, hey who turned up the thermostat? When did Manhattan turn into Atlantis? Ooohhh, we better work together on this one. "Hello, China? Yeah, we gotta talk about this whole 'enviroment' thing..."

