Currently, I play in an original rock/"light" metal band, but nothing is really happening for us, and I'm not too keen on the direction things are going in with the new songs we are writing. Not that I'm all that great, but the other guitar player cannot keep up with me, forcing me to "dumb" down some of the riff ideas, and doesn't really practice to improve (I play an couple of hours a day, regardless of was comes up... I feel it is my responsibility to the band), and though talented, the drummer is way too uptight and doesn't do much more than keep the tempo of the song... very few fills which is weird because he claims he is heavily influenced by prog stuff (Rush, ELP, King Crimson, etc...). Also, our bass player quit and we have only auditioned one guy in the past three months. Because of all this I have been contemplation quitting, and focusing my attention to the "family" band with my brother and my nephews. We do a mix of early 80's metal stuff (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy, Sabbath, etc...) it is a riot!
My brother's neighbor is a bass player in a modern rock cover band, and since his guitar player might be relocating because of work and may not be able to make the gigs, he asked if I was available to try out. The idea was to have a guitar player ready in case he couldn't make it to the gigs, or possibly add a second guitar to the band if he did. Their material consists of the usual stuff... Pearl Jam, Godsmack, Buckcherry, STP, etc... That is not the type of music I normally listen to, but I accepted because they have a ton of gigs lined up, and actually get paid
I figured it would be a good move since the bass player and drummer are VERY good players, and moving forward I could get them to add some of the original ideas I've been working on into the set. Anyway last Sunday, I got a setlist and a couple of CD's, and set to work on learning the songs. Fast forward to last night. I grabbed my two Charvels and Les Paul, and cruised over there for the audition. I played the stuff well (I had to learn ten songs in a week). Fortunately that stuff is pretty easy, but didn't stay true to form with the solos... I mean, how could any self respecting guitar player play the solo to "Crackerman" true to form? In each case, I learned the changes that I'd be playing over, and made up my own stuff. Of course, my soloing is influenced by 80's style guitar players... I don't think they liked that. After the audition, they were like "you are obviosly talented, but your influences are different than what we do". I was like WTF?! I didn't over play and tried to be respectful to the material, but I did add a bit more technique than what they are used to (their current guitar player is pretty basic). Hell, I work on my playing, so why no use it right? To make a long story short, the singer was seemed to be against having me join the band... they said they would let me know. Another issue could have been the fact that I didn't drink while practicing. This is something I don't do... practice is supposed to be serious, not party time. I save my partying for after gigs. The issue of chemistry came up as well, and it could have been due to the fact I stayed sober while those guys didn't.
I'm really getting fed up with the whole band thing. It seems that you always find good musicians that have too many issues and are flaky, dedicated guys that aren't as proficient as you and have crappy gear, etc... Ego maniacs, or playing with a group of guys that aren't on the same page musically. It is really frustrating!

My brother's neighbor is a bass player in a modern rock cover band, and since his guitar player might be relocating because of work and may not be able to make the gigs, he asked if I was available to try out. The idea was to have a guitar player ready in case he couldn't make it to the gigs, or possibly add a second guitar to the band if he did. Their material consists of the usual stuff... Pearl Jam, Godsmack, Buckcherry, STP, etc... That is not the type of music I normally listen to, but I accepted because they have a ton of gigs lined up, and actually get paid

I'm really getting fed up with the whole band thing. It seems that you always find good musicians that have too many issues and are flaky, dedicated guys that aren't as proficient as you and have crappy gear, etc... Ego maniacs, or playing with a group of guys that aren't on the same page musically. It is really frustrating!