Very cool Mark!
I myself host a Purple Martin colony (9 years now)which are native to North and South America. The Purple Martin has been endangered by the introduction of a non-native species from Europe the Starling and House Sparrow. These birds have taken up all the available nesting cavities in North America since they live in our climate year round. The House Sparrow and Starlings kill Martins and their young, plus they are a huge nuscence to farmers. The Purple Martin migrates to Brazil each Fall and returns in the Spring to raise their young in the U.S. and Canada. Martins nest in human supplied housing. Their migration is so heavy they can be picked up on radar
I feel great to raise 90-100 young each season. Great job you did using a Rehab unit. I've used them many times. Even though Raptors feed on small birds (martins included) I won't hold that against you
It's real neat you got to hold the bird up close. There's nothing like it.
Here's a pic of a younger male with a dragon fly: (He's got another year till he's all purple.)

Here's a pic of a younger male with a dragon fly: (He's got another year till he's all purple.)
