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I rescued a Hawk today!

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  • #31
    From the picture, the hawk appears to be a young Cooper's hawk. A true Accipiter.
    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


    • #32
      Very nice Mark ... I may not have mentioned that I host a slew of animals from chickadees to wildabeasts. I'll never forget the first Llama that came to my porch to share my bowl of cereal. Now I have all three of my children handling copperhead snakes and Komodo Dragons on a daily basis !!

      Welcome to the club !!

      Soon that birdie will be "Flyin' high again !!"


      • #33
        Very cool. Glad this one made it. I was standing at a window last month, when this bird flew directly into the window. It was tinted and I guess he didn't realize it was a window. Scared the shit outa me though. Poor little fella didn't survive that one.
        Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


        • #34
          Very awesome deed of you Mark! I love animals and predatory birds especially!

          I spend hours and days in our backyard and the fields behind it watching and observing the hawks and buzzards. We have a chapel across the street too, my grandmother takes care of it (don't know the English word) and a couple of years ago they've installed a nestingcabinet in the clocktower for Churchowels (white as death and fly absolutely silent).

          I go up there every year, a couple of times, with the wildlife conservation fund to check up on them and I take a chair and just go sit in the frontyard during summernights to see them fly around and in/out of the tower while hunting and learning how to fly. We've had full nests of young every year now and it's really contributing to giving these creatures a kickstart.

          Your Karma has shifted 150 points to good!
          You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


          • #35
            Hawks are wonderfull animals. You did a great thing dude.


            • #36
              Cool Beans. I love birds of prey. I have about 20 eagle shirts.


              • #37
                Good going! Hawks rule. We have a pair of redtails on our farm that have been there for about 4 years, nesting in the same tree. One of them has wingspan about 4 feet wide! Like alot of other birds, they'll stay monogamous as long as they can stay together.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by mm2002
                  That is a cool pic Scotty!

                  I'll tell ya, I'm surprised at the way this thread turned out. I really figured a lot of folks would be giving me shit for caring about an animal like this. (I'm no "tree hugger' or anything!) These animals are sooooo awesome! What they do is very cool too. If it weren't for the raptors such as this guy, the world would probably be overpopulated with rats and other disease carrying "vermin". These guys absolutely rock. Plus, yeah, they really don't seem to feel threatened by humans. I'll admit, he was very reluctant at first (and he clawed the shit outa me because I didn't have any gloves in the car!), but after just a little handling, he was calm cool and collected. I'm keeping him in a covered "pet taxi" tonight, and I checked on him a few minutes ago. I reached in and got him out....he was still calm, almost as if he knows me now. It just cool beyond all coolness.

                  callin you a tree hugger just cos you saved a hawk?

                  dude... a HAWK! they're like the coolest birds on the planet!!!
                  major respect man!
                  when we picked up the dog i had as a kid, we were at this families house and they had a pet hawk, got to handle him a bit, it was awesome.
                  hawks rule!

                  owls on the other hand rule too... but for sheer comedic value. they're the most hilarious birds ever
                  You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                  • #39
                    Good on you for taking the bird to people who can take care of it. My young cousin actually climbed up and took a Redtailed Hawk chick out of the nest. He decided he was going to raise it. So the little raptor is in the garage eating and growing. Well, there is something to be said for the shit flying. That bird did such a number on their garage.:ROTF: :ROTF: Needless to say, he let it go. This was way before the shelters they have now.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #40
                      Thanks for all the kind words brothers, but bad news......Swoop (that's what we named him) was euthanized this afternoon. It turned out he had a severe compound fracture where the left wing adjoins the body, and it was not repairable. He was also going in and out of severe states of shock today from the pain. The Doc said he could try removing the left wing and plugging the hole in the bone (that hollow bone is an open pathway into the chest cavity) but he still may not survive. Rather than try anything like that, or putting that bird through life with one wing, we chose to end the pain and let him go to a better place. He's out of pain now, and I'm content knowing we did everything we could for him. R.I.P. Swoop.
                      My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                      • #41
                        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                        • #42
                          Sorry to hear this. Yeah, he was a wild and free bird. Leaving him flightless would not have been the way to go. You have the right should take consolation in knowing you comforted Swoop instead of leaving him suffering on the side of the road. Big cudos to you for trying and R.I.P. Swoop, may the mice and rabbits be abundant where you now fly with no limits.


                          • #43
                            R.I.P. Swoop . I'm glad he got to know you before he passed . I hope your kids weren't too upset Mark. They look like little dolls.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by heartfielder
                              R.I.P. Swoop . I'm glad he got to know you before he passed . I hope your kids weren't too upset Mark. They look like little dolls.
                              Paul, I haven't told the kids yet. Well, at least the oldest (5 1/2). It's going to break her heart. I may never tell her. Is that wrong?
                              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                              • #45
                                You tried your best for the bird,and that's all that counts-and caring for animals doesn't make you a tree hugger-I hate plants (Concrete man myself),but I'd sooner run people over than an animal-and yet they gave me a driving licence

                                I had a Barn owl as a Kid,my brothers found it,we fed it,and it took my stepdad about 3 weeks to get rid of it-he took it to the local woods every night and released it,turned around to walk home and the Bird would land on his shoulder,puncturing it every time-after 3 weeks,the bird got the message and flew off

