Heres Maynard, (as in Maynard G. Krebs from Dobie Gillis, has that beatnik beard thing going) he was found soaking wet and muddy, on deserted country road, by some friends of ours and we decided to keep him, he's a funny little dude, short little legs, we're thinking basset hound, terrier,???whatever else...

and Skinny a grey rat snake (aka oak snake, basically a grey coloration of a corn snake) I snagged from the cat as she was about to finish him off. he's about twice that size now, loves tree frogs for breakfast, hes really tame now, very easy to handle. loves to just wrap around my fist and just hang out with the family

and Skinny a grey rat snake (aka oak snake, basically a grey coloration of a corn snake) I snagged from the cat as she was about to finish him off. he's about twice that size now, loves tree frogs for breakfast, hes really tame now, very easy to handle. loves to just wrap around my fist and just hang out with the family
