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357 Customs...

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  • 357 Customs...

    So wheres everyone at now regarding this deal? We all know its pretty much dead in the water, but I remember there were some people clinging on to it for dear life.

  • #2
    LOL, pour some salt in the wound why don't ya!
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      I am filing for a Charge Back, don`t expect to win it though. Also, this did die really fast. Did 357 get away with this totaally? There has to be some legal ramification against them somewhere. Do they still have a Website? Jack.


      • #4
        What's the deal with 357 customs?Anyone can tell?
        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


        • #5
          That big scam with the Zakk Wylde Sig Epis, and the little choppers and all that - it was dirt cheap, but partially because they never delivered the damn guitars. Black Label Society forum members have been ranting for months.


          • #6
            No, BLS members think their idol will come through and deliver for them.
            Just a guitar player...


            • #7
              Last edited by texasfury; 09-23-2008, 03:45 PM.
              Just a guitar player...


              • #8
                Originally posted by texasfury
                While Zakk apparently doesn't care enough about helping the scammed (and instead moans about not getting his cut), he isn't above asking the people he helped fleece to help him get richer. Here's the full email I got from BLS.

                We need the SDMF army out in full force to call and email your local radio
                station and have them play "CONCRETE JUNGLE!"

                Please get out and help BLS kick ass in every market possible and make 2006 the biggest year of the Bersker yet!


                Zakk definitely has some brass balls asking for help after leaving his fans to rot in the fields.
                You got that right.When they sent out the preorder e mail for BLS's next album,I sent one back saying I wouldn't use it for a coaster if they gave it to me.

                You gotta love it.Zakk is even suing for the $8k he was sapposed to get per sale of motorcycles that weren't even for sale.Priceless.
                Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


                • #9
                  I refuse to support Zakk Wylde.


                  • #10
                    I won my chargeback with Capitol One officially a couple of weeks ago That process started a month and a half ago. I just printed up the e-mails I had save, and a copy of Zakk's lawsuit. It was my second, and larger order to the tune of $332. I'm damn glad I at least got that back.

                    My first order for one package at $162 was on my MBNA card, and they declined my chargeback stating that since I had received my gift certificates and used them, and the guitar was "free" that I was not entitled to a chargeback.

                    If anyone needs any e-mails or ammunition feel free to contact me, I save pretty much everything going back to the beginning.

                    I refuse to support Zakk Wylde.

                    I also refuse to support Zakk Wylde.


                    • #11
                      I got my chareback from Chase. I think my avatar says it all.


                      • #12
                        yeah, but there's not a fire roasting him from underneath...photoshop dude.


                        • #13
                          I got the bikes, but no MP4 player, and certainly no guitar.

                          I thought about pursuing a cahrgeback, but since I did it with my Debit Card....

                          Maybe I'll email them and ask about my guitar
                          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                          My Blog:


                          • #14
                            Same here, Newc. I put it on my Citizens debit and they refused to look into any chargeback claims since it was so long ago. I've since switched banks.
                            Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                            • #15
                              +1 Sinistas
                              Well, I'm getting ready to switch banks.

