URGENT Report: Synthetic testosterone found in Landis urine sample Eds: UPDATES with Times report. Will be led. Moving on general news and sports services. NEW YORK (AP) — Lab tests show that some of the testosterone in Floyd Landis’ urine sample taken at the Tour de France was synthetic and not naturally produced by his body as he had claimed, according to a newspaper report. The French antidoping lab testing the American cyclist’s samples detected that some of the hormone came from an external source, The New York Times reported on its Web site Monday night, citing a person at the International Cycling Union with knowledge of the result. The result undermines the defense that Landis has stood behind since the news last week that he tested positive for an elevated ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone following his stirring comeback in Stage 17 of the Tour de France. Landis won that Alpine stage and went on to claim the Tour title.
Now they will get on with the standard punishment

All fun and games aside. After over 20 years of being a racing fan, I can't see the wonder any longer in the fiasco that has become modern bicycle racing. Great job Floyd. Thanks. I hope your momma spanks you.
Now they will get on with the standard punishment

All fun and games aside. After over 20 years of being a racing fan, I can't see the wonder any longer in the fiasco that has become modern bicycle racing. Great job Floyd. Thanks. I hope your momma spanks you.