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I am an Isolationist

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  • I am an Isolationist

    I have come to the conclusion that the US should just pull out the military and or diplomatic efforts throughout the world. Our credibility is in the dumper. We can not instill our morals on people that don't think the same way we do. The US has wasted billions upon billions of dollars throwing it down a hole. The waste of lives is awful all the way around. Let's let the rest of the world fuk themselves over. The billions of dollars we have spent "Over There" could have gone a long way making our country and our people way better off. Cover the threat. But do it here. Not there. The bottom line is if we concentrate on making America safe , those bad guys will not mess with us again.
    I am a true ass set to this board.

  • #2
    We'd have to completely shut down the borders to immigration, legal or otherwise. We'd have to be very careful about maintaining a more even balance of trade, so much less cheap stuff from China. Our cost of living would go through the roof. We'd have to make sure our military remains the best in the world. To that end, we'd have to discover homegrown sources for all essential items like jet fuel, strategic metals, etc.

    Oh, and we would have to preemptively blow the crap out of any country that intends to be a threat across the oceanic moat.

    Nah, on second thought it's not such a good idea.
    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


    • #3
      +1 million Pete. Of course nobody wants a war, but let me tell you, North Korea is a major problem, and if they'll sell long range missiles to any American hating group of terrorists for the money, how do we unhucklefukk ourselves from that?
      This is one scary motherfukker of a world right now, and I tend to forget on the beach out here. People hate us, and I wish it were that simple Fett, if it only were that simple it would be great.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #4
        We have to take the fight to them, so they don't grow stronger where they reside and fund their terror at home to attack the Continental U.S. If we pulled in they would be all over in are other Global interests too. Their strength would grow and we would have to defend our borders if they attacked. We have to be concerned with Syria, Iran and Russia a little more than we have.
        Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


        • #5
          This song speaks delivers how I feel.

          Its a punk band but the video is really good, I suggest watching it.

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


          • #6
            Originally posted by fett
            I have come to the conclusion that the US should just pull out the military and or diplomatic efforts throughout the world. Our credibility is in the dumper. We can not instill our morals on people that don't think the same way we do. The US has wasted billions upon billions of dollars throwing it down a hole. The waste of lives is awful all the way around. Let's let the rest of the world fuk themselves over. The billions of dollars we have spent "Over There" could have gone a long way making our country and our people way better off. Cover the threat. But do it here. Not there. The bottom line is if we concentrate on making America safe , those bad guys will not mess with us again.

            If the US doesn't spend money for the army and "free" other countries,the US will run out of money.It's the way of acquiring fuel,of the government.
            I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


            • #7
              Originally posted by MichaelMadeja
              This song speaks delivers how I feel.

              Its a punk band but the video is really good, I suggest watching it.


              Yeah, well.
              Ya know, here's my take on those kind of wannabe musician punk asses trying to change the world with their little punk ass mohawks and stuff:

              1. They are kids, and they have no concept of the reality of political matters, nor do they really CARE.

              2. Writing a song about "fuck the world" isn't going to change anything.

              3. Trying to pretend that they understand or care about the harsh realities of what's going on TODAY...won't sell their cd's.

              4. They are a prime example of why all teenagers today should be eligible for the draft based on some kind of scoring system. I'm not sure of exactly how to score that, or what kind of tests to do to determine their eligiblility, but I have a general idea. Anyone else have any input on that idea?
              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


              • #8
                That's a tough one Mark, i don't know If I want some of todays youth defending the U.S., at least any in that band-lol
                I'mjust kidding, anyone who helps I respect and appreciate.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fett
                  I have come to the conclusion that the US should just pull out the military and or diplomatic efforts throughout the world. ... Let's let the rest of the world fuk themselves over. The billions of dollars we have spent "Over There" could have gone a long way making our country and our people way better off.
                  Preach on brother fett, I'm right there with you on this one. Fuck Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, and the rest of the world's shitholes. For the amount of money we've sunk there we could have already moved far from our current oil dependency. Bring *all* of our troops home, end *all* foreign aid, and spend the savings on missile defense and other robust homeland security measures. No more handouts, no more propping up states that refuse to spend what is necessary to defend themselves, no more peacekeeping missions, none of it. Time for a decade or two of Fortress America and letting the rest of the world rot.

                  The only problem is that the world would become a vastly more dangerous place in our absence. Niall Ferguson's recent editorial is a bit too pop-cultury for my taste but when he finally gets around to making his point he's spot-on, "The unpalatable truth about the present crisis in the Middle East is that it is a symptom of American weakness rather than American dominance. ... This is why Mr Blair is closer to the truth about American power than his domestic critics. Like Superman, the US has vast potential strength. If it wants to be, it really can be "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound". It is richer by far than the other countries in the world. It has mind-boggling firepower - enough to incinerate Iran in an afternoon. And yet, as Mr Blair understands, this Superman would really rather revert to being Clark Kent. Of course, the moral of Superman Returns is that when the messianic Man of Steel retreats into provincial isolation, Metropolis descends into anarchy. Tragically, the same fate may now lie in store for the Middle East as the American superpower heads back to Smallville." Along with much of the rest of the world should we choose to abandon it but then that's not really our problem is it?

                  Originally posted by fett
                  The bottom line is if we concentrate on making America safe , those bad guys will not mess with us again.
                  Here I couldn't disagree with you more, it would only encourage and embolden them to act more frequently and more openly against us. Granted out geographic isolation might provide us some buffer while chaos mounts elsewhere but it would eventually find its way to our shores as well. But at this point simply letting that happen might be the wisest play of all.
                  Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                  • #10
                    Most countries in "enlightened" Europe have universal military service from 18-20 years of age. Even neutral countries like Switzerland do this. We haven't had to for a long time because of our oceans and out ICBMs, but we may need to rethink having a draft. The ones with less aptitude can be infantry and those with more aptitude could go into the Navy and USAF and utilize their tech skills.

                    If the Europeans do it, why not us? Are we better than them? No? Then why not do as they do?
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mm2002
                      Yeah, well.
                      Ya know, here's my take on those kind of wannabe musician punk asses trying to change the world with their little punk ass mohawks and stuff:

                      1. They are kids, and they have no concept of the reality of political matters, nor do they really CARE.

                      2. Writing a song about "fuck the world" isn't going to change anything.

                      3. Trying to pretend that they understand or care about the harsh realities of what's going on TODAY...won't sell their cd's.

                      4. They are a prime example of why all teenagers today should be eligible for the draft based on some kind of scoring system. I'm not sure of exactly how to score that, or what kind of tests to do to determine their eligiblility, but I have a general idea. Anyone else have any input on that idea?
                      Well said! I like some punk music, but I'm tired of politically-themed music made by idiots who don't do anything about the problems except bitch and whine about it in songs.
                      If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


                      • #12
                        bleh, i'm not gonna speak my mind.
                        Last edited by ApeDosMil; 08-03-2006, 12:01 AM.


                        • #13
                          "Writing a song about "fuck the world" isn't going to change anything."

                          That's right ..Slayer has been trying to perfect that song for 20 years..
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #14
                            I'm a big Tom Clancy fan. I have read most of his books and they are entertaining and informative. A lot of his books deal with the Middle-East threat. I am smart enough to search out different perspectives. That's why I am hooked on BBC. But, I have developed an overview that indicates to me that we are pissing in the wind. You can't turn night into day because you want it if the other side wants to turn day into night with a conviction we can't even comprehend. The fact that I can declare myself an isolationist and get away with it reinforces the notion that the West is weak in their convictions and could not possibly withstand a unified ethos that transcends national boundaries and wants to unite the world on their terms. I sincerely hope this doesn't happen. What are we to do? We can't take on the whole Jihad. We don't know how. I have seen the world change dramatically in my almost 56 years and this is the worst scenario I have seen when it comes down to East vs West. We, as the "Satan" should pull in our horns. I just don't see how we can win as it stands now. Get a "Cease Fire" ASAP. But on what terms? I don't know. This just sucks. But, I want to thank the Admins for letting us vent.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.

