What is this guy thinking? Well, if I were in power, the last thing I would do is piss off the bad guys more than they already are. I am so tired of listening to the words from our nation. Tony Snow has ice up his ass. I am all for protection against terrorists. And I glad that the Brits foiled the plot. And, I understand that there is a lot of stuff going on that we don't see. But, why throw wood on the fire by using words like "Fascist". Fascism has no roots in religion. It's a form of economic policy. The people we are up against want an Islamic World. That would be based on religious tenets. That would make it a theocracy (sp). George should keep his mouth shut. I can't even listen to him anymore. There was a time when I thought Rice was nice. That's before she became Sec of State. Now, she's just an apologist for a foreign policy that is bankrupt, both figuratively and literally.
I knew I didn't spell it right on the lead. Sorry
