The government isnt infallible. Too many people focus on things that are mistakes or done wrong, and they even blow them out of proportion. You guys are always putting spins on things to blame Bush or the Replicans, You always here how there are a few thousand US soldiers who have died in Iraq in the years that they have been there. How many people have died in the US cities of Washington, Chicago, Detroit, LA, etc in that same period? And in the end, why is Bush to blame? Is he excpected to be Superman? People dont understand what radical islam is all about. You dont just walk in give milk and cookies and then they just say thanks, we will give people their freedom. These guys want a theocracy in their countries and they want to spread that to others as well. The whole Bush is an idiot, but hes also a super genious evil plotter thing speaks for itself. He is just a guy, he was elected to do a job, and hes doing it to the best of his ability. If you think Gore or Kerry would have done a perfect job, you would be sorely mistaken. In fact I highly doubt they would have handled any of the situations any differently...........
No announcement yet.
This is troubling
I actually agree, people fuck up and make mistakes. God knows Clinton made his share of them. Presidents should make decisions based on available data and thoughtful consideration of the consequences. But Bush as I see it often makes decisions based on ideology, and I suspect it's because he's just not bright enough to make them any other way. Maybe I'm wrong -- maybe he really is a super smart guy and does the necessary analysis to support his policies. But somehow I doubt things would consistently turn out so badly if that really was the case.
I think the facts show that Bush's policies have severely aggravated the problem with radical islam, and I don't need to invent conspiracy theories to believe that. I understand it's possible that in the future invading Iraq and destabilizing the much of the middle east might somehow turn out to have helped the situation, but it seems incredibly unlikely to me.
If you think Gore or Kerry would have done a perfect job, you would be sorely mistaken. In fact I highly doubt they would have handled any of the situations any differently...........Last edited by Bert; 08-12-2006, 02:32 PM.
I'm not a conspiracy nut. I'm just making decisions for myself based on the information I receive, whether it be through the internet, television, newspapers, etc... Hell, I've even watched Fox news (the Bush propaganda network) quite a bit to possibly gain a different perspective.It's not working...
Do you think that the US would directly go after North Korea or Iran for example since they have nuclear capability? It is alot easier to start with the Iraqs of the world... all in time.
The people that are gullable to believe in this administration after all the lies and deception that they used to justify the Iraq invasion are just as much to blame as the administration itself.
I was so pissed off about the terrorist attacks on the US and beheadings of US citizens that I was ready to re enlist in the Marines. I'm glad I didn't, because this war is totally unjust. I wouldn't give my life for the criminals that run our country or the BS agendas they promote.Last edited by khabibissell; 08-12-2006, 02:59 PM.
Originally posted by khabibissellI'm not a conspiracy nut. I'm just making decisions for myself based on the information I receive, whether it be through the internet, television, newspapers, etc... Hell, I've even watched Fox news (the Bush propaganda network) quite a bit to possibly gain a different perspective.It's not working...
Do you think that the US would directly go after North Korea or Iran for example since they have nuclear capability? It is alot easier to start with the Iraqs of the world... all in time.
The people that are gullable to believe in this administration after all the lies and deception that they used to justify the Iraq invasion are just as much to blame as the administration itself.
I was so pissed off about the terrorist attacks on the US and beheadings of US citizens that I was ready to re enlist in the Marines. I'm glad I didn't, because this war is totally unjust. I wouldn't give my life for the criminals that run our country or the BS agendas they promote.Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!
easiest way for the sting pullers to pull this one is to have the planes fly by wire straight into the targets-no need for terrorists-just get to a high altitude and decrease oxygen in the cockpit taking care of the pilots before it goes of course and they think WTF is wrong with the plane
Next step is to do the same with the passengers-decompression or sudden loss of oxygen would sort them out
Fly by wire planes are now flying bombs with no one alive on them-have to make sure some drug smugling arabs (cia paybook)are there so the finger of blame points to someone-terrorist group are helped by Pakistan intel who in return are briefed by the CIA.Of course there arabs dont know who their real masters are,just more dirty tricks to shape the world in americas favour(and UK!)
I am not saying any of this above is right.the towers where designed not to fall!WT7 fell the same way as the other two did.experts say it was metal fatigue from heat/ect,and other experts say there have all seen it freefalling,and logic dictates a building doesnt free fall unless in demolition.who the fuck knows?perhaps those 3 bulidings all had design flaws that made them fall like that?what are the chances of that?
I keep open minded about it,and the reasons i doubht the official version is the free falling-piss poor AF on that day and the pentagons shit footage of the plane hitting them?All the footage taken and we are left with nothing clear.I hate to think that any goverment could do this to its own people,and i still find it hard to believe that Bush could?I dont know its a very painfull subject to talk about,and i understand any amercian who wants justice
The people in Washington are too stupid to concoct any conspiracy about anything. Decades ago, Roosevelt; Stalin and Churchill could conspire to make the world what should be after WWII. They could do that because they all put a lid on the media and the media oblidged for whatever reason. Today, the media has found a "Higher Purpose". They are on a mission to shoot holes into anything they hear from on high. The leaks and the CYA politics that rule the day preclude any attempt to "create" an incident to further their plans. The world is fuked up enough without all this "Conspiracy" crap. We are too transparent and play by the old rules,. The ones that are making new rules are just happy as hell that we are transparent and playing the "old way".
I am a true ass set to this board.
Originally posted by Shawn LutzThe only thing about 9/11 that doesn't fully make sense to me is how & why WTC7 building coming down like a house of cards. It didnt appear to have much structural damage but imploded in a somewhat of an intentional fashion."Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
gravity.. you melt the tires out from under a car.. it ain't gonna stay off the ground and the rest of the car won't be to pretty either when high temp and fuel mixes.Last edited by charvelguy; 08-12-2006, 06:27 PM.
Originally posted by fettThere are no secrets that can't be ferreted out in this government. Hell, you get paid squat for being in the "Know". Go "Public" and you are a "Star" and get a book deal, to boot.I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.
- Newc
Conspiracy stuff?
Makes for entertaining discussion and I do believe throughout history there cleary have been real evidence of conspiracies, BUT not 911. I watched that whole scenario about it(911) conspiracy)at various sites and it had a ring of so called truth to it, but anybody with any sense knows better.
Maybe other historical stuff is conspiracy material, but not 911.Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...
"Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."
I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.
Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.
It only takes one. And the authorization to leak or the "moral reason" still lets the cat out of the bag. Trust me, I know that the vast majority of public servants have and do a great job. It's not a "sad view", it's reality. I just listened to a Maj Gen that was a commander during the first stages of our "Mission in Iraq". He resigned his commission in protest. Now he's spouting off on NPR. It will be just a few months before he writes a book, I'll bet. The point is that there is "national mobilization" that will solidify our intent or our cause. I'm not justifing; condemning; rationalizing ; or endorsing (sp) the mess we are in. There was a slogan during the world wars: " Loose Lips. Sink Ships". I have said enough, for now.I am a true ass set to this board.