Originally posted by GodOfRhythm
There's not much difference in people keeping secret about frequencies for data transmissions and missiles being strapped to airliners or terorrists in shrimp boats shooting down airliners in New York.
Oh wait, keeping the first secret, yours, would be their JOB and important to national safety and security, the other would be the covering up of mass murder of innocent lives and detrimental to the common good.
No difference there...I see your point.
I can almost hear the conversation..
Spy #1 --- "Hey, you didnt give out those super top secret frequencies did you? That could cause us great discomfot in the media and we'd have to change them if anyone found out. We dont want everyone knowing how much we pay for a hammer."
SPy #2---No boss.
Spy #1---"And about that plane being shot down in NY, and the whole 9/11 thing, where we killed a couple thousand helpless people?"
Spy #2---No boss, not a word