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  • College

    [rant]God damnit I hate it already. Not trying to be ignorant be this place consists of just ghetto people of all color. Everytime I visited, it didn't seem like it and it has a good business program which is why I wanted to go here. But now I can see myself not making many friends on dorm level or in general. This is going to be the shittiest year of school already. Hopefully it gets better. I already heard a comment from someone about my pants because they are tighter than usual. I guess its a shocker when all they see is Gunit shirts to their knees and pants hanging off their ass cheeks.[[/rant

    I need a new system to blast Lamb of God. I think I've heard the "Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty" song for the 500th time. (Ones enough)

    Edit: I guess there was one funny thing today, they were playing a rap song on some loud speakers and they had bitch and sluts in the lyrics and a bunch of fatties were dancing to it. Oh God I wish they would go back to their dorms and never come out.
    Last edited by ApeDosMil; 08-25-2006, 12:38 AM.

  • #2
    Am I correct to assume you're a freshman? If so, give it some time you'll make plenty of friends. College will be the greatest time of your LIFE! Also, the diversity that college offers cannot be missed. I was at the bar a few weeks ago drinking with an Irish dude, a guy from Columbia, a girl from India, and another fellow from Zimbabwe. Great conversations! BTW, I had this hippie girl introduce me to some really cool new music last year. Don't rule out anyone. . . (okay, rule out the rap )


    • #3
      I guess the US experience is different becuase Uni in UK is either get drunk and party or do your course.....

      Oh wait, no that's exactly the same...

      I chose do my course and was rewarded with a 1st class BEng (Hons). Only went in the student unioin about twice during the whole course. Why do engineers have to work so much harder to get less appreciation and pay? grrr.


      • #4
        Where are you going to school?


        • #5
          just fuck those dickwads' girlfriends in the ass
          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


          • #6
            Freshman, that's the question! Hang in there! It's going to be great. The Dweebs will drop off the face of the planet after the first semester or quarter and sometimes sooner. The dorms will be where you will meet your best friends for the next 4 years, and many you will keep in contact with for the rest of your life. The second year, with those friends whom you will meet, you can get an apartment, townhouse or house to rent next year.
            Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


            • #7
              Thanks, no I'm a Junior, before I went to a community college and I didn't make many friends so I guess I'm assuming the same will happen here. It can only get better I guess.


              • #8
                What ya aint goin to get ya learn on?


                • #9
                  uhhhh I think you're asking me what I'm majoring in If you are its Operation Management and Information Systems.

                  Or if you're asking me if I'm not going to learn? I'm going to try my best, maybe I'll be better off as well.


                  • #10
                    Where are you going to school?
                    If only I had back the money I gave that TV preacher....


                    • #11
                      Wow, I feel bad for you.

                      My second year of University starts sept. 25 and I honestly can't wait! I hate vacations now

                      Seriously it's partying and getting drunk (albeit on a student's budget) and learning about stuff you're interested in + there's about a million chicks to bang every single fucking night!

                      Then again I do live in one hell of a cool University City: Leuven. Highest density of café's and bars in the world and 'the longest bar in the world'. And beers only cost $1!

                      + Did I mention the UNIBEV/Stella brewery headquarters is like right here in the city center!? There's like thousands and thousands of kegs standing behind just a 3 meter high chickwire fence!

                      In short: I LOVE IT!
                      You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                      • #12
                        Colleges and universitys suck here because we don't have campuses and other cool shit like that. It's just like going to a regular school.
                        You don't have that kind of brotherhood going here and parties and banging at every possible moment because of that.
                        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                        • #13
                          Shelby: I go to NIU, Northern Illinois University.

                          GoR: I would love to go to school in Europe, I wanted to go to Krakow in Poland to study.

                          Endrik: I think I would of prefered that kind of school. I went to a community college before this and I like that style better. The dorm life doesn't seem to fit me well.


                          • #14
                            After a certain point (about 18, for me) dorm life can be tough, if not impossible. When I went to grad school I had no choice the first year but to move into campus housing, and after being used to having my own apartments for the three or four years before that, without roommates, it nearly did me in to move into campus housing. I found quiet places where I could work, and a routine that kept me from crossing paths with the roommates any more than I had to. It worked out, after about a month of me thinking I was going to kill somebody.

                            Then I got an apartment for the last two years.

                            So, suck it up for a little while. You'll find a routine that you can live with. Then get your own place as soon as you can.

                            And I don't know what Endrik is talking about: I think he gets more tail than any other JCF'er. Jeez, if he went to a US school, he would probably die from being oversexed.
                            The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



                            • #15
                              Ah, Ok Junior then transfering. Well, I did something very similar. I went to Junior College for 1 year (that school sucked big time and lived in my Dad's spare house) and stayed out 1 year working in a factory regrouping and trying to decide what I was going to do. Then, I was accepted and transfered to a University. So, my first year in the Dorms had quite an age difference. These students had just graduated high school and I had been out for 2 years. It all worked out though. Most of the Yahoo's flunked out after the first semester and the rest by the middle of the 2nd semester. It should be OK for you for awhile in the dorms (use the library alot) and keep an eye out for a deal, so you can go out on your own or share a house with some buddies. Maybe even swing a deal that will last you through graduation. The best to you!
                              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.

