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So a buddy of mine got a gun permit....

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  • #46
    Hopefully not all of us Mike
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


    • #47
      Originally posted by neilli
      Hopefully not all of us Mike
      I'll let you slide.

      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


      • #48
        Originally posted by MBreinin
        I'll let you slide.

        Now put the 9 mil down and back off slowly!
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #49

          Look, if you outlaw firearms, the only people who will have them will be outlaws. You will not be able to take firearms away from people in the U.S. That would, literally, be a call to revolution here.

          Unless you live here, which you don't, you really don't know shit about how it works in America. While carrying a firearm may not be a basic human right, our Constitution has granted us that "right".

          Of course, we always shoot first and ask questions later..yep, always...that just defines Americans. I am simply stunned by the depth of your knowledge of all things American!!


          i can see why you yanks carry firearms,i realy do-if i lived there i would have one in my house in a safe some where.but i dont and if any cunt comes in my house i will knock him out with my bare hands you can be the weakest fucker alive and kill someone with a gun,i dont like those odds one little bit!but fair enough there are too many mad bastards out there with guns,so the average house owner needs protection

          if you tell my limey friends to fuck off,fuck off yourself

