With cable there seems to be a lot of TV people out there. Man, if I came from another planet, not Pluto those bastards, I would figure conquering (sp) Earth would be a cake-walk. Based on TV, you are Gay; air your dirty laundry; get into fights; hype a zit into an epidemic; have a house you don't really own but looks blingy; can fix something in 30 minutes including commercials; normal and suing someone for a $1.385; doing stupid stunts that just plain hurts; playing "Professional" sports with more juice than an orange; wrecking things just because and generally demeaning the vast majority of us. I guess it's no wonder that I don't watch a lot of TV. Except for old Westerns and anything that has Dennis Hopper in it. And old war movies. And a few others. But the current stuff just blows. "Gee, Wally, my world has changed."