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Crocodile Hunter dies in a diving accident today

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  • I agree. I think the description of what happened painted a lurid enough picture in my head without requiring video confirmation. Anyone trying to air it isn't serving any greater purpose, they're just trying to secure their own infamy/garner ratings.
    Hail yesterday


    • If the tape is shown or not may not be up to his wife or family. Not sure how that stuff works in Australia.

      My prediction though and I said it the day Steve died, his wife will have a book out, possibly some sort of DVD too, within the next year.
      Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


      • seen it in TV too...
        this kid-croc-mixture surely was a fault, but his death is clearly not the right time to show it in the news on and on.
        I mean; I didn't hear anything about him taking his kid to the crocs, and even though I still think it was a fault, don't see any reason to broadcast stories about this now. They should have done that when he still was alive (I'm sure they did, but AFAIK not over here), but it's just wrong and not good for anything now.

        he was way crazy IMO, none the less his show was entertaining and I learned a lot about animals I'd never have seen otherwhise...

        he made some faults, but who does not. he did a lot of good things too and that's just what should be remembered now.
        tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


        • It was upsetting to heard the news. I watch the show with my 4 year old son every day and often discuss it at dinner. I think it's f'd up that the media is attacking him with negativity instead of remembering his accomplishments. Only in America!

          He will be missed.


          • Man, that sucks!! I have been watching his shows since the beginning. As a Hunter/Fisherman/Conservationalist myself, he will surely be missed.

            RIP Steve


