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Car Registration??

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  • Car Registration??

    I have to have my car registration paper so I can buy a parking spot at my Dorm. I can't recall where or put mine at home. What can I do to get one? I heard you can get it from ALLstate online, but I'm looking and I don't see it. I'm going to call Tuesday but I want to be prepared. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Should be able to get one from any of DOL's. Not sure the procedure involved though.


    • #3
      You're supposed to have your regisrtation in the car at all times.
      Nice ticket, in AZ anyway, if you don't have it.
      If you lost it, go to the DMV or MVD or what ever you call it in your state and request (pay) for a copy.
      Allstate is an insurance company... they can't give you a copy of your cars registration, only a copy of your proof of insurance certificate, if you are insured by them.


      • #4
        You'll have to visit the Secreatry of State's office.
        Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


        • #5
          You should be able to get a copy of your registration from your local motor vehicle agency.

          I am pretty anal about my car stuff. I keep my registration card and insurance card in a zip lock bag right in my glove box. Things go a lot more smoothly with the law if your shit is in order in the event you get pulled over.
          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


          • #6
            I guess we are lucky in Tejas. The sticker on the window is the "license" and when they run your plate they have "registration". No need to carry paper around (except your insurance). I wonder what would happen to me if I got pulled over in a foreign state since we don't have "registration papers"?
            When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley

