What's your take on this? On my side of the Pacific, raw horse meat is a delicacy that costs about $15.00 for 5 fingers worth of raw meat, dipped in soy sauce and some local horse radish. I have never tried it. I have asked friends and students about it. From the people I have asked, they either love it, or won't go near it and think it's, 'scary'. Is anyone up for some medium rare Trigger, cooked over mesquite with bbq sauce? Or, is it just fit for Dr. Ballard's?
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I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse...
I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse...
What's your take on this? On my side of the Pacific, raw horse meat is a delicacy that costs about $15.00 for 5 fingers worth of raw meat, dipped in soy sauce and some local horse radish. I have never tried it. I have asked friends and students about it. From the people I have asked, they either love it, or won't go near it and think it's, 'scary'. Is anyone up for some medium rare Trigger, cooked over mesquite with bbq sauce? Or, is it just fit for Dr. Ballard's?Tags: None
I love horses - been around them my entire life - my sis has had 3 and my girlfriend has been teaching riding for about 15yrs.
I don't see why this is a big deal though. It's not like they slaughter them in a way that is different than beef cattle (or is it)? First they go after fau grois (sp?? though I wouldn't eat that anyway)), now horsemeat - what's next? They keep this up, there wil be no veal (I won't eat veal though), no beef cattle or pigs (they'll say due to cruel slaughter), no fish or shellfish (they'll say because of bycatch and cruel slaughter practices), no dairy cattle (milk is fattening lol).... we'll all be eating hay, and trying to find clean water to drink.
SO much for teh land of the free choice ...
The three horse slaughterhouses in the United States—one in DeKalb, Ill., and two in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area—are foreign-owned and export most of their meat to Europe and Japan. About 90,000 horses were slaughtered in the United States last year.I had NO idea about this. I mean, I know they made some dog food out of horsemeat, but I thought they were the old horses on their last legs to begin with. I didn't know there was a whole industry around using horse meat for human consumption.
I know that in other parts of the world, eating strange (to us) animals is the norm, and I am fine with that. So, no knocks on the foreign members, but I could never eat that stuff. (horse, monkey, dog, etc.)Scott
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
Never had it raw. I had it cooked once in Italy, and it was pretty good. They served it like shredded BBQ pork. An Italian friend ordered it for us in a restaurant. He was a veterinarian. I asked him why a guy who was a vet was into eating non-traditional animals. He said there's no contradiction. He was a vet so that animals would stay healthy enough so you could eat them later.
Originally posted by straycatRaw meat is a very bad idea.
I've never eaten horse.. knowingly, anyway... I suppose that in the Netherlands, they do have traces of horse in burgers and stuff, but it's not like you really notice the difference that much in junkfood