i've recently formed a new band. everyone is married, 35-45, and seemed to have a reasonable disposition. we all generally like the same music. everyone can afford the gas money to make it to rehearsal. everyone can play reasonably well. we have a place to practice. we have more gear than we need. we all have access to the internet and email and cell phones.
so this should be a piece of cake - right?
why can't someone call you to say they won't make it? fucktards. for me it's no big deal - we practice at my house. but for other guys they drive 30+ minutes so that sucks for them when people just blow shit off.
then there's the guy that never seems to be able to make the time. i'm just waiting for him to call and say "the dog ate my gear".
and one guy can't remember anything. he should change his name to "oh, is that today?"
why do they have to have drama? fuck. guys at our age still playing games. "don't tell so and so this", "you need to do something about the way _____ does this", etc. sheesh. if you have something to say about someone just fucking tell them. they are worse than school girls passing notes in class. and we've got a guy hiding "activities" from his wife and asking us to watch his back. fuck that. we aren't in high school. be a man.
if i want whining, aggravation, and people not respecting the value of my time i'll just stay at work longer where they actually pay me
so this should be a piece of cake - right?
why can't someone call you to say they won't make it? fucktards. for me it's no big deal - we practice at my house. but for other guys they drive 30+ minutes so that sucks for them when people just blow shit off.
then there's the guy that never seems to be able to make the time. i'm just waiting for him to call and say "the dog ate my gear".
and one guy can't remember anything. he should change his name to "oh, is that today?"
why do they have to have drama? fuck. guys at our age still playing games. "don't tell so and so this", "you need to do something about the way _____ does this", etc. sheesh. if you have something to say about someone just fucking tell them. they are worse than school girls passing notes in class. and we've got a guy hiding "activities" from his wife and asking us to watch his back. fuck that. we aren't in high school. be a man.
if i want whining, aggravation, and people not respecting the value of my time i'll just stay at work longer where they actually pay me
