Originally posted by VitaminG

Russel Allen, Jorne Lande, Mats Levin, Oliver Hartman, Marco, ..then you have players ..way too much too list that absolutely destroy..Olaf Lenk, Magnus Kalrsson, Gus G, Tore Otsby, Glen Drover, Carl August Tidemman, Theodore Ziras..and shitoads more
bands like Brainstorm, Twilightning, Persuader, Savage Circus, Rawhead Rexx, Winds, At Vance, Tarot, Dungeon, Burning Point, Armegeddon, Black Majesty, Meduza, Rage, Majestic, Time requiem, Opus Alantica, Perzonal War, Evergrey, Therion, Kamelot, Vision Divine..and a zillion more..
You know what...I'm not a spoon fed sheep..I don't bitch about why there isn't any good metal bands around..I do my own reserch and buy what I like..and I find and buy ALOT...SHITLOADS!!!!!!!
I have well over 50 thousand dollars invested in metal of all genres..that's over 50K and not stoppin' anytime soon..that's how much I love metal..it's my fucking life!!!
I suggest doing the same..it's alot easier than ever to find and sample great bands..we didn't have PCs when I did it the ol' fasion way..thru mail order catalogs, and local metal shops..remember those!!

Remember taking a chance on a band just because the cover art was cool???..I did that, about 2000 times!!
Go to the End Records..one of my main sources..they are cheap, have free shipping and and have 30 second samplers of most items in stock..so you can hear before you buy!!
There isn't any cool, metal anymore..boo hoo...it's nothing like the 80's when MTV gave me all that bullshit boo hoo.....WTFF!

I'm putting in a order today..there is SO much new awesome bands that I can't keep up, it makes my head spin...metal has never been this bad ass before..this is the hey day of metal..it's NEVER been better or stronger..that new Cartoon Metapocalypse is the sign of the times!!!
back in the 80's..fuck at least I could keep up, when I didn't have money..most of those bands sound GAY now, in comparison to the state of the art production and skilled players that really ran with the ball!!!
Now that I have money, I can't even keep track what's out there anymore because it's so fucking abundant..
Now, I'm going to stop hapring on this stupid subject, and I;'m going to do some metal shopping..where thet metal is!!
Fragle.."Let me be your Tank"..I bought that before I knew you, I found it on my own!!!

Bill Z Bub
Gary you take it from here..I'm going metal shoppin'..you can never have too much metal!!!
