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Anyone following this Foley issue?

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  • Anyone following this Foley issue?

    First he gets caught sending inappropriate emails to a minor, then it turns out he's text messaging ghey stuff during sessions in congress.
    Now he's playing the "I was abused by a priest as a child" angle.
    Spoiler... his attorneye out's him in the press release.

    Former Rep. Mark Foley was molested by a clergyman when he was between the ages of 13 and 15, his attorney said Tuesday amid allegations that the congressman exchanged inappropriate e-mails and instant messages with teen congressional pages.

    Give me a f#@king break!
    The guy is a perv pedophile who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  • #2
    Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post

    Give me a f#@king break!
    The guy is a perv pedophile who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

    I dont think it was the cookie jar his hand was in


    • #3
      That is one sick fuck. Hypocrite.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #4
        Yup, another sick fuck making laws for you and me while breaking them himself.

        The son of a bitch was also part of or the chairman for some child protection thing. Can't remember which on right off.

        Whatever the punishment would be for the average sick fuck should be 100x more harsh for shit like him!
        Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


        • #5
          He was the chair of the Exploited Children Committee.

          I don't find that weird at all.

          Who do you think heads the White Collar Crime Committee? What about the Environmental Protection Agency? Labor Committee? What about the guy that ran FEMA? He was qualified. What better person to run national emergency relief than a guy who bankrupted an equestrian club?

          Ah, politics.

          And FOX News just showed video of Foley all evening and the caption below the video read:

          Foley (Democrat-Florida)

          Our politics are a complete joke and disaster.

          Meanwhile, 17 American soldiers died in Iraq yesterday.

          Oh, by the way, the FBI has yet to pay Mr. Foley a visit. They haven't even shown up to check out his computers.


          • #6
            All pedophiles should be castrated............. then killed....slowly. Just my opinion.



            • #7
              Originally posted by danastas View Post
              And FOX News just showed video of Foley all evening and the caption below the video read:

              Foley (Democrat-Florida)
              Leave it to Fox to pass on wrong info.
              Foley is a Republican.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Creepy View Post
                All pedophiles should be castrated............. then killed....slowly. Just my opinion.


                Discuss?? said it all right there bro..
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                  Discuss?? said it all right there bro..
                  No - he mis-spelled "politicians" as "pedophiles"! lol
                  Seriously - our system has become a joke.. the founding fathers are rolling in their graves like they are on a rottiserie (sp??)
                  We need change - should start by getting rid of all of the career politicians and lawyers....
                  And this f**ker playing that "poor me I'm a victim, and you can't fire me or prosecute me bacause I am gay" card is BS


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                    Leave it to Fox to pass on wrong info.
                    Foley is a Republican.
                    ROFL, Fox, or should I call it the Goebbels Network.


                    • #11
                      It's funny, the Dems are saying that the House leadership knew about this over a year ago, then they say warnings were put out about him up to 5 years ago.

                      So, they want us to think ONLY Republicans knew about this, AND it all blows up a month before the election. Hmmm.... co-inky-dink?

                      This guy is definitely a highly sick POS, but I wonder how long the Dems have been sitting on this as ammo to spring just before the election? In other words, did they let him continue for a year so they could inflict maximum damage on the GOP at election time?

                      I'm just speculating, but the dirty way this stuff is used by ALL parties in Washington, who knows? It would be ironic, with all the righteous indignation, if they let it go on significantly longer just to torpedo the GOP.
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                        It's funny, the Dems are saying that the House leadership knew about this over a year ago, then they say warnings were put out about him up to 5 years ago.

                        So, they want us to think ONLY Republicans knew about this, AND it all blows up a month before the election. Hmmm.... co-inky-dink?

                        This guy is definitely a highly sick POS, but I wonder how long the Dems have been sitting on this as ammo to spring just before the election? In other words, did they let him continue for a year so they could inflict maximum damage on the GOP at election time?

                        I'm just speculating, but the dirty way this stuff is used by ALL parties in Washington, who knows? It would be ironic, with all the righteous indignation, if they let it go on significantly longer just to torpedo the GOP.
                        Just as an FYI, this is purely Republican inflicted. The last AOL IMs were sent out a month ago and a page (he has a hyphenated name, I forget it) went public with it last month. Afterward, a few other pages came forward and said that they had been warned. The stuff about who knew what a year ago or five years ago has all come up because the people involved know this is political dynamite. Both the House #2 (Boehner) and #3 (Hastert) have turned on Speaker Hastert and said they told him about Foley a long time ago. That's where the knowledge about Foley comes into play from Haster's office. So, the only coincidence that this is coming before elections is because Foley was pulling this stuff as recently as a month ago. So that doesn't mean anyone was keeping their powder dry.

                        On the other hand, you may be right--knowing Washington--that a lot of people knew about Foley, not just Hastert and the leadership. But the fact is, the revelations about what Hastert knew have only come forward because his own GOP leadership have blamed the handling on him. In other words, none of this info is coming from Democrats. It's either coming from the kids themselves or the GOP leadership that is turning on each other.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by danastas View Post
                          Just as an FYI, this is purely Republican inflicted. The last AOL IMs were sent out a month ago and a page (he has a hyphenated name, I forget it) went public with it last month. Afterward, a few other pages came forward and said that they had been warned. The stuff about who knew what a year ago or five years ago has all come up because the people involved know this is political dynamite. Both the House #2 (Boehner) and #3 (Hastert) have turned on Speaker Hastert and said they told him about Foley a long time ago. That's where the knowledge about Foley comes into play from Haster's office. So, the only coincidence that this is coming before elections is because Foley was pulling this stuff as recently as a month ago. So that doesn't mean anyone was keeping their powder dry.

                          On the other hand, you may be right--knowing Washington--that a lot of people knew about Foley, not just Hastert and the leadership. But the fact is, the revelations about what Hastert knew have only come forward because his own GOP leadership have blamed the handling on him. In other words, none of this info is coming from Democrats. It's either coming from the kids themselves or the GOP leadership that is turning on each other.
                          No, that's what the Dems want you to believe. The info that was given to the Republican Congressmen (Hastert etc..) were only the relatively normal emails (When is your birthday, what do you want? Are you OK from the Katrina floods, etc) The actions they took, were correct (told him to stop emailing these kids) and the emails were fully investigated by the press, who found them to be benign enough that they didn't even write a story about it (Fall 2005) They were never given the IM's. The IM's have gone back as far as 3 years, and they're just now coming ot the surface a few weeks before the elections?

                          IM's aren't like emails, they're not readily accessible. Someone has been saving them somehow, and compiling them for a long time, and to think it's not politically motivated would be naive. The GOP leaders that are "Turning" on each other, have only been talking about the Emails, NOT the IM's, and all they've said that they turned them over to Hastert, who reprimanded the guy.


                          • #14
                            Of course it's all politaclly motivated... it's an election year.
                            It's expected.
                            That's still not the point.
                            The point is this guys is trying to blame is current actions on, alchoholism... wait that didn't work... because he's gay... wait that's a load of shit too, being gay doesn't make you a pedophile.
                            So now he's trying the grandaddy excuse of them all... alleged abuse from a priest that happend 40 or 50 years ago made him do it.

                            Everytime I here this BS from these asshats I want to slam thier faces into the pavement.
                            He's a frikkin perv plain and simple. He should be locked up with all the other pervs, not in rehab.
                            Last edited by rjohnstone; 10-04-2006, 10:31 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by adrenaline junkie View Post
                              No, that's what the Dems want you to believe. The info that was given to the Republican Congressmen (Hastert etc..) were only the relatively normal emails (When is your birthday, what do you want? Are you OK from the Katrina floods, etc) The actions they took, were correct (told him to stop emailing these kids) and the emails were fully investigated by the press, who found them to be benign enough that they didn't even write a story about it (Fall 2005) They were never given the IM's. The IM's have gone back as far as 3 years, and they're just now coming ot the surface a few weeks before the elections?

                              IM's aren't like emails, they're not readily accessible. Someone has been saving them somehow, and compiling them for a long time, and to think it's not politically motivated would be naive. The GOP leaders that are "Turning" on each other, have only been talking about the Emails, NOT the IM's, and all they've said that they turned them over to Hastert, who reprimanded the guy.
                              I'm actually following this story closely. I think you have part of the story. But not all of it. It goes way beyond. First, Reynolds' chief of staff is Foley's former chief, he's also gay, and he used to accompany Foley around when having dinner and ice cream with pages. The guy's name is Fordham. Do you really think Reynolds didn't know what was going on? That it was only an email or two? First off, Foley asks for pictures IN THE EMAIL. Hardly innocuous or "naughty emails" as Tony Snow called them. Second, why not tell the other Republicans and Democrats on the page committee aboutt he emails? Why just warn the guy running the page service. Clearly, these guys knew damn well what Foley was doing. The initial story which broke this in the LA Times was from a page who was contacted this summer, a month or so ago. Then the other pages (who had been saving this information, IMs and the like) came forward. The thing with the Democrats is that they weren't even informed about this. It wasn't until Reynolds and Boenher went on the record that people realized others had knowledge of Foley's behavior for a longtime. That's when the whole story blew up. Otherwise, the only thing the media had to go on were the emails or IMs which only dated back to a year ago.

