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Anyone following this Foley issue?

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  • #16
    All the Demos have to do and sit back and relax. Middle America will rule the day. And they are not very happy. The Reps have had the House since 1994. That's a long time. This could be a "Change for Change's Sake". As for Foley, there will be much more. You just don't resign, particularly now, unless there is a lot more shit coming up.
    Last edited by fett; 10-04-2006, 04:10 PM.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #17
      Hastert (sp) is toast. He is the Speaker of the House. He is the one that should fall on his sword. He knew this years ago. See Lerxs post. What a world, what a world.
      Last edited by fett; 10-04-2006, 04:40 PM.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #18
        Man, I'm listening to Larry Kudlow. He is as conservative as you get. And he is pissed. The Rep apologist kept whining about getting more details before passing judgement. What? Is it going to get better?:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #19
          Having Foley in charge of child protection is like having Ted Kennedy in charge of guarding the liquor cabinet :ROTF:
          I say the boy ain't right!


          • #20
            Now they are going after the Demo Rep who is charge of the "Page" program. Did he know? And, if he did, why didn't he do anything about it? Ya got to love DC.:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #21
              I'd like to see this whole thing implode. D.C. needs a good doucheing anyway.:ROTF:
              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


              • #22
                Originally posted by FusionFarmer View Post
                Having Foley in charge of child protection is like having Ted Kennedy in charge of guarding the liquor cabinet :ROTF:
                What's your IM screen name, email address, and where's your liquor cabibet?!?
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  Of course it's all politaclly motivated... it's an election year.
                  It's expected.
                  That's still not the point.
                  The point is this guys is trying to blame is current actions on, alchoholism... wait that didn't work... because he's gay... wait that's a load of shit too, being gay doesn't make you a pedophile.
                  So now he's trying the grandaddy excuse of them all... alleged abuse from a priest that happend 40 or 50 years ago made him do it.

                  Everytime I here this BS from these asshats I want to slam thier faces into the pavement.
                  He's a frikkin perv plain and simple. He should be locked up with all the other pervs, not in rehab.
                  I drink all the time and it never makes me want to go and have sex with underage people.

                  What is making me sick also is the Republicans responce has been "Oh ya, well so and so are corrupt and they are Democrats", then the Democrats whip out thier list of Corrupt Republicans. I could care less who's list is longer, because they are both long lists and makes Politicians in general look bad reguardless of part affiliation. Politicians on both sides are starting to look more like people out for thier own agenda reguardless of what comes out of their mouth.



                  • #24
                    I think the Dem is clean on whether he knew. here's why. There are three people on that committee. Shimkus (R) the chairman. Kildee, the Dem. And Shelley Capito from WV (R). Capito wasn't informed either and she said she's pissed. So they kept it from the Dem and the Republican, probably because she's a woman and would have done the right thing.

                    This is blowing open as we speak. Pat Buchanan reported that Fordham, Reynolds' chief of staff (formerly Foley's sidekick in these adventures) was forced to resign and now he's blabbing that a lot of people knew.

                    Buchanan also let one big cat out of the bag: foley showed up at the male page's dorms drunk off his ass. I highly doubt that a guy like this would keep it to AOL IMs for many years. There had to have been some contact.


                    • #25
                      Ya, Those guys are just fucking up on either side. The House has left the house. They are out trying to save their asses. What a great time to resign. By the time we get a new Congress no one will give a shit. The Demos will get Foley's seat. We may get a new Speaker regardless.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • #26
                        Get rid of all the incumets and start over. they are all in trouble for something.

