I saw this article about the Amish reaction to the school shooting.
As I was reading through it, I couldn't help think about the extremely different approach to living and faith that the Amish have, as compared to Muslim extremists. It is flat out amazing to me. This psycho came in and killed their little girls!!! And their only response is to give forgiveness, along with expressing concern for the negative impact it may have on the killer's own children and family.
I could never even consider living an Amish lifestyle, but I just gained a huge appreciation for how their faith impacts how they choose to live with others - it's got some truly admirable things.
And now contrast that with Muslim extremists, who use religion to justify the killing of innocents, who think all others are subhuman "infidel" sinners doomed to hell, and who's outlook of life and faith blames others for their own ills.
Both are the products of "faith".
As I was reading through it, I couldn't help think about the extremely different approach to living and faith that the Amish have, as compared to Muslim extremists. It is flat out amazing to me. This psycho came in and killed their little girls!!! And their only response is to give forgiveness, along with expressing concern for the negative impact it may have on the killer's own children and family.

I could never even consider living an Amish lifestyle, but I just gained a huge appreciation for how their faith impacts how they choose to live with others - it's got some truly admirable things.
And now contrast that with Muslim extremists, who use religion to justify the killing of innocents, who think all others are subhuman "infidel" sinners doomed to hell, and who's outlook of life and faith blames others for their own ills.

Both are the products of "faith".