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9/11 Conspiracy Theorist gets ripped a new one....

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  • 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist gets ripped a new one....

    Like him or not, Bill O'Reilly rips this loon a new one. tor&Heat%20builds%20on%20University%20of%20Wiscons in%20instructor%20who%20accused%20President%20Bush %20of%20murder&Politics&-1&Under%20Pressure&Video%20Launch%20Page&News

    Two good points: 1. If they had a shread of proof, it would be all over the news. 2. Thousands of Americans would have to know about it and keep their mouths shut about it.

    I don't care if it's Clinton or Bush he is accusing, NO American President is going to orchistrate the murder of thousands of US Citizens. That's not right or left, Liberal or Conservative, that's Anti-American.


  • #2
    Those are the kind of nuts that give this country a bad name. Looney bastards!


    • #3
      I tell you 1 thing don't F*k will Bill because he is no retard he know's his sh*t!!!!!!!! And that senator looking guy beating his pud to a sex tape of a 12 year old is a retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody should shoot that b*tch-Hell send him to Georgia I will.


      • #4
        I don't think you can say Bill O'Reilly "ripped him a new one". All he did was sling insults and refused to give his guest a chance to talk (which is typical when FOX has guests on that don't tow the "Bush" line). I would have been more impressed if Mr. O'Reilly let his guest make his points and then discredit them in a mature manner... that didn't happen.


        • #5


          • #6
            O'Reilly's a flaming @sshat. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed watching him call that f**knut a loon. The 9/11 conspiracy theorists are the worst kind of nuts. What they propose is not only an insult to our country, but its disgustingly disrespectful to the memory of the victims of that day.


            • #7
              Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
              I don't think you can say Bill O'Reilly "ripped him a new one". All he did was sling insults and refused to give his guest a chance to talk (which is typical when FOX has guests on that don't tow the "Bush" line). I would have been more impressed if Mr. O'Reilly let his guest make his points and then discredit them in a mature manner... that didn't happen.


              • #8
                This video is better. The 2 great ones always reveal the truth..............


                • #9
                  all i saw was a couple assholes.

                  it's pitiful that anyone places any value in anything o'reilly has to say.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #10
                    I do believe these conspiracy theorists are way, way off and wrong. On the other hand, I take issue with the idea that our political leaders would not purposely kill Americans to further their own ends:

                    Check this out:

                    The thing about this current administration that makes me wonder is this one:

                    and this


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                      all i saw was a couple assholes.

                      it's pitiful that anyone places any value in anything o'reilly has to say.

                      I can't watch Fox news anymore or his show. I hate when they go off grandstanding like they know everything and dont give guest speakers a chance to voice their side of the story...regardless of the topic or who is right or wrong. 99.9% of the time Oriely is the bigger asshole than who he is interviewing....STFU is the only thing that comes to mind when I think O'riely

                      As far as 9/11 conspiracies...people get a fukkin life and move on to something else...nothing to be found. I bet they think "the man" launched a missle into the hi rise in NYC and that Cory Lidle wasn't in it and his passport was planted there on the street by wrekage


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by danastas View Post
                        I do believe these conspiracy theorists are way, way off and wrong. On the other hand, I take issue with the idea that our political leaders would not purposely kill Americans to further their own ends:

                        Check this out:

                        The thing about this current administration that makes me wonder is this one:

                        and this

                        That was the problem. We knew "Something" was coming we just didn't know what and a lot of the blame was placed on the government agencies not communicating with one another.


                        • #13
                          Why Bill O'Rilley hasn't been beaten into a coma by now is beyond me.

                          I don't follow all of the conspiracy theories, but I do pay attention to politics and what these morons running this country is up and has done.

                          If O'Rilley gets your hackles up try listening to that fat pig Rosie O'Donnell. The sound of her voice sickens me.

                          I can't watch most TV anymore. I don't give a fuck about a reporter or interviewers point of view and I can't stand the way they pass their ideas off as fact. I will watch the senate and congressional hearings on things that matter though. I think it's funny how Condolezza Rice has amnesia that started just before the attacks and is patchy through through this whole Iraq fiasco. Stupid bitch can't seem to recall anything.
                          Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by St.James View Post
                            Why Bill O'Rilley hasn't been beaten into a coma by now is beyond me.
                            For many years, I wondered how conservatives could possibly listen to this dreck, like Rush Limbaugh. And then I heard the leftwing version of Rush: Randi Rhodes and Ed Schultz, and they were unlistenable! I realized that if I were a conservative it would be...impossible for me to listen to Rush Limbaugh!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
                              This video is better. The 2 great ones always reveal the truth..............

                              This video rocks!
                              This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

