Like him or not, Bill O'Reilly rips this loon a new one. tor&Heat%20builds%20on%20University%20of%20Wiscons in%20instructor%20who%20accused%20President%20Bush %20of%20murder&Politics&-1&Under%20Pressure&Video%20Launch%20Page&News
Two good points: 1. If they had a shread of proof, it would be all over the news. 2. Thousands of Americans would have to know about it and keep their mouths shut about it.
I don't care if it's Clinton or Bush he is accusing, NO American President is going to orchistrate the murder of thousands of US Citizens. That's not right or left, Liberal or Conservative, that's Anti-American.
Matt tor&Heat%20builds%20on%20University%20of%20Wiscons in%20instructor%20who%20accused%20President%20Bush %20of%20murder&Politics&-1&Under%20Pressure&Video%20Launch%20Page&News
Two good points: 1. If they had a shread of proof, it would be all over the news. 2. Thousands of Americans would have to know about it and keep their mouths shut about it.
I don't care if it's Clinton or Bush he is accusing, NO American President is going to orchistrate the murder of thousands of US Citizens. That's not right or left, Liberal or Conservative, that's Anti-American.