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Any crow hunters here?

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  • #16
    hell yeahh if your gonna eat it then thats finei cant understand killing for the sake of killing?i used to use air guns/long bows on crows when i was a teenager-in fact if it had wings i would shoot the older you get the more you respect life in all its forms


    • #17
      Originally posted by FusionFarmer View Post
      They are varmints, but I dont shoot em. kinda goes against the hunter ethics thing, "only kill what you can eat" and I've "eaten crow" too many times without even trying.
      spoken as a true gentleman


      • #18
        I'd rather shoot the human killing a crow..

        Humans are much more vicious and malicious than their animal counterparts..

        I love and respect animals much more than people..because most people fuggin' suck ass!!

        If I could, I would thin the human population by nearly 2/3..right now!

        I would start with ALL felony records/inmates worldwide..poof GONE!

        This would certainly make someone think twice before fucking up or attacking us..

        Ancient Rome use to do that shit..repsect thru fear, and that shit fuggin' works!!!

        Fuck the hole in the ozone..the rapid increase of human population WILL eventually be our demise..

        So sayeth The Beast!

        Bill Z Bub
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #19
          hmmm..2/3...that's rather harsh..OK..I'll go with 1/'s a start!

          Much less traffic...
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #20
            Originally posted by mm2002 View Post
            C'mon man, crow hunting is just about as manly as squirrel hunting, dove hunting, duck hunting, etc. If you're gonna go hunt something, it should at least be as big as you are, and it should at least have a gun too. Now that would be a sport.
            Damn, you just named my three favorite things to hunt!!

            I also like to hunt snipe, damn hard bird to hunt...don't get any of that hunting anymore though...the rice fields went bye-bye with the ex-wife.

            Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


            • #21
              whatever happened to hunting for tuna and bearded clams..

              I have a friend that's crazy about hunting..has heads all over his walls..he fuggin' loves it.

              I can't see the awesomeness of killing of shooting a birdie, fuzzy squirrels, a cute bunny, or clubbin' a baby seal, or killin' Bambi's mommy..but if you love that, go nuts..

              I do approve of the brutal slaying of the good shit cows, and chickens, their delicious..but I never had a baby seal sandwich before..

              I just shoot paper targets, bowling pins or people, especcially the fagbots shootin' that's a sport!!
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #22
                Bill, if you ever have some good venison (deer meat) you will understand deer hunting. Besides, they overpopulate if their ranks aren't thinned, then they'll eat up all the vegetation, then they all starve. Better to take out 20% (if that) so the rest can survive.

                As for hunting small animals like squirrels and birds, that's a marksmanship issue. It's relatively easy to hit a deer compared to a squirrel or a crow, especially using a rifle.
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                  I'd rather shoot the human killing a crow..

                  Humans are much more vicious and malicious than their animal counterparts..

                  I love and respect animals much more than people..because most people fuggin' suck ass!!

                  If I could, I would thin the human population by nearly 2/3..right now!

                  I would start with ALL felony records/inmates worldwide..poof GONE!

                  This would certainly make someone think twice before fucking up or attacking us..

                  Ancient Rome use to do that shit..repsect thru fear, and that shit fuggin' works!!!

                  Fuck the hole in the ozone..the rapid increase of human population WILL eventually be our demise..

                  So sayeth The Beast!

                  Bill Z Bub
                  that's why I love you man

                  Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                  I just shoot paper targets, bowling pins or people, especcially the fagbots shootin' that's a sport!!
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                    Bill, if you ever have some good venison (deer meat) you will understand deer hunting. Besides, they overpopulate if their ranks aren't thinned, then they'll eat up all the vegetation, then they all starve. Better to take out 20% (if that) so the rest can survive.

                    As for hunting small animals like squirrels and birds, that's a marksmanship issue. It's relatively easy to hit a deer compared to a squirrel or a crow, especially using a rifle.
                    I know..My doctor bud..makes venison steaks and his buddy makes jerky out of it..not bad..he's obsessed with deer hunting and goes to Maine every November for a week..

                    As for Markmanship..nothing says that better than being able to cover a group of 50+ 44. mag rounds at 25 yards with a quarter with just open scope..

                    I can't shoot a animal..I love eatin' them tho..but I can't kill em..unless the fucker was coming after my ass..I kick a bear in the nads if that bastid stands up..or Rick Flair a thumb to the eye..because I certainly can't out run a bear...hell I can't out run a pissed off seal with one flipper doin' a circle..I'd shoot animals if they were being fags!
                    "There's a bunny Ned, it's coming right for us"...
                    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                    • #25
                      Bill, a bear is nothing to fuck around with. Even a small black bear goes 300 lbs and can take off your head with one swipe of its paws. A grizzly, forget about it! You are lucky if you can take a grizzly out with a high-powered rifle. If you don't hit it straight on, the bullet will tunnel under the skin and basically ricochet off the bone. Then they're fucking pissed!
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #26
                        Two guys in the woods running from an enraged Grizzly. One guy says to the other "Hey, you think we can really outrun this bear?"
                        The other guy says "I just have to outrun you"

                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                          Bill, a bear is nothing to fuck around with. Even a small black bear goes 300 lbs and can take off your head with one swipe of its paws. A grizzly, forget about it! You are lucky if you can take a grizzly out with a high-powered rifle. If you don't hit it straight on, the bullet will tunnel under the skin and basically ricochet off the bone. Then they're fucking pissed!
                          I ain't fuggin' 'round with no bear Rich..not even Winnie the Poo..

                          Why would you name a bear.."Poo"..anywhoo..

                          I guess I'd be pissed off if my name was Poo..
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #28
                            Archery season for deer opened yesterday, skipped the sunrise hunt cuz the wind was wrong, snuck out there yesterday afternoon, and just finished a nice breakfast of venison tenderloin and eggs, Sorry Bill, but Bambi's mom is pretty tasty,
                            Last edited by FusionFarmer; 10-15-2006, 08:38 AM.
                            I say the boy ain't right!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                              whatever happened to hunting for tuna and bearded clams..

                              I have a friend that's crazy about hunting..has heads all over his walls..he fuggin' loves it.

                              I can't see the awesomeness of killing of shooting a birdie, fuzzy squirrels, a cute bunny, or clubbin' a baby seal, or killin' Bambi's mommy..but if you love that, go nuts..

                              I do approve of the brutal slaying of the good shit cows, and chickens, their delicious..but I never had a baby seal sandwich before..

                              I just shoot paper targets, bowling pins or people, especcially the fagbots shootin' that's a sport!!
                              Hunting is a great tradition. I love to hunt birds, especially with a fine double that was crafted before my Grandparents were born. I used to have quite a collection of shotguns. It is not so easy as walk out there and just blast them out of the sky. Animals do not want to be shot, trust me. I have had many times out when I couldn't even get a duck or a goose within 200 yards of my blind...and days when it was raining ducks and I was home with a limit in 40 minutes. Doves are my favorite though...small, nervous targets that always fly at 100% velocity. Squirrels are fun because they are very difficult to find. I know you think, WTF? I go to the Park and they are everywhere. Yeah, in the park, or in yoour backyard that may be true. Go out into the woods at sunup and then try to find them, different story. Wild squirrels are very crafty and they are hard to spot as well due to their coloration. They also taste good in Gumbo.

                              I like to eat Venison, but I don't hunt any big game. Too much crap to clean up. I am not one of those hunters who drops his birds off at a processor's and picks them up cleaned....nor would I do that with a deer. I eat what I shoot, and I do the dirty work as well.

                              Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                              • #30

                                Just kiddin'..KIll all the fuzzy muddafuggas..

                                I killed two little fuzzy , brown mieces (two mice) that got into my house somehow..I had to set traps and that's REAL huntin' night while on the JCF ..I heard SNAP..ahaaa..gotcha..just caught him by his I took him outside and beat it's brains out on my did pumped my nads full of teststerone and knew right then and there..I was King Kong!!

                                King Kong or Ceech Chong..I was pretty baked..

                                I'm writing in red..because we have blood on our hands..we kill and kill we will..
                                I love you..

                                Bill Z Bub
                                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

