This was the first time I have flown in 5 years. I was all flipped out about the hassle. Piece of cake. Security was cool and fast. They did have to double check my bag. I had an old Sony Wallkman (Cassette) in there. They probably didn't know what it was.
Here's the neat thing and why there is still hope for humanity. My flight was delayed in Oakland so I had to call Seattle. I don't do cellphones, so I went to a coffee stand to get quarters. The nice lady said hang on a sec while she was with a customer. The customer asked me what the number was and whipped out his cell and let me make the call. Is that nice, or what?
So I get to Seattle and have to call. So I ask a curbside baggage guy if he has change for a dollar. He doesn't. But he whips out his cellphone and let me use it. There really are nice people out there.
The one downside is I had to stand on the curb for 3.5 hours for my step-son to pick me up.
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