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I drink too much.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    I'll tell ya, Joe, the thing that made the deepest impression on me was the alcohol awareness school. But it wasn't the regular program shit, or them making us watch movies about alcohol ruining people's lives.

    What impressed me was seeing people who had so many DUIs they were facing 5 years in the state pen, but their attitude was "Fuck you, I have the RIGHT to drink and drive!". They acted like they were being fucking patriots by getting drunk and endangering everyone else out there.

    THAT fucked-up outlook scared me more than anything the counselors threw at us! I was not going to be the fucker who killed someone, or did 5 years in San Quentin because I couldn't get the point.

    I hope your bro gets it Joe; he would probably do some serious time if he got a 3rd DUI. They are getting very serious about that shit in most states and the 3rd one becomes a felony. I wish him good luck, and the sense to know when to quit.
    Yeah, I think he's pretty much got it now. He didn't like being in jail and doesn't want to ever go back again. He's lucky no one got killed, as he hit some lady's car and took off down the road. He turned around and went past the scene when he realized he was going the wrong way, eventually stopped at a convenience store where he and his friend wound up getting arrested there after an APB was put out.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #32
      Originally posted by FusionFarmer View Post
      Yeah no kidding, Hell I did the math the other day, I've been drinking beer since I was a teenager but lets figure 20 as a good starting point, average 2.5 beers a day @ a buck each. times 365, times 28 years, equals the best spent 25.550 bucks I ever spent, seems like it should be more:ROTF:

      "100,000 bottles of beer on the wall, 100,000 bottles of beer.
      If one of those bottles just happensto fall, it's down to 367 pcs. of guitar gear for Fettster that's all"-lol

      If we're gonna go over finances spent over the years, it will blow you all away at the sheer dumbness of being in not one bit of control whatsoever. Fun while you're doing it, not while you're recounting the disappearance of all
      the fukkin' money. It's truly disgusting.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #33
        I would like to know how much these clowns spend on Starbucks coffee. It's not disgusting at all. It's just the stats. How much have you guys spent on soda over the years or Big Macs or CD's or whatever? Regardless of the item, it's just amazing how much money is spent over the years when it's done a little at a time.
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #34
          i've donated a few beach compounds to the mexicans.
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #35
            Since I've been apart with my girl in the past 3 weeks, fuck ya I've been pounding beer!! Everyone tells me that's the worst thing to do, but it works good for me! Although I've never had a problem with alcohol!
            I love admins!


            • #36
              Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
              i used to drink like a stallion, but found it's too much work in the end, and one blast takes your whole day of , oh forget it. I am not a source of advice on this subject.

              UH... Well said T.



              • #37
                Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
                I don't but a friend of mine drinks quite a lot, even in weekdays. But he still gets up the next day and gets to work on time! It totally amazes me. I'd like to tell him he's got a problem, but he seems to be pretty happy, hell, I live with the guy. He goes out at night, and when he comes home I'll be asleep, so he doesn't bother me. Next day I see him when he comes home from work and he's all happy pappy, cheerful and glad. Totally weird!

                It isn't wierd at all it is just a high alcohol metabolism. Go to any bar that is open til 1 or 2 am during the week. You will see the same peole there almost every night. most of them have to be up by 6 for work. It is a life style used to being tired in the morning and not getting hangovers. It is just something.

                OK so if you think you drink too much it is a gaurentee that you do. You are worried about it and that is why you bring it up. Stop drinking then and if you can't get help. I will tell you straight up you are an alcoholic and you indeed can go through life as a functional alcoholic but your quality of life is reduced.
                I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                So that none of its lies can affect me


                • #38
                  Alcohol is not a deprssant, it's a complete upper if you ask me. it's got so much sugar in it, you can bounce out of bed , if you've gone to bed, and perform your duties. i've seen people destroy themselves for years and then seen them stay exactly where they were , and seen people lose it all in 3 weeks.functional, not functional. Tetsuo is dead on balls accurate.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!

