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He came through the roof!
Man, he took a hit
Looks like the body is the most tasty.
I did not need to see that. My wife feeds the squirrels on the front porch and it drives the cats and the dogs nuts. One of the squirrels attacked the mailman because it became her porch. The neighborhood cats loved to hang out in our backyard because we have a patch of catnip and a large garden(lots of fun for the dogs when the cats don't see them coming hehehehe). Before our female cat was fixed the damn cats would leave "offerings" for her. Dead birds, dead gutted squirrel in the front and my favorite a dead rabbit. My dog shay is the one who always finds these things and runs around with them. Had to tackle her to get a rotting birds head out of her mouth (its was bad enough when I thought it was cat shit). The best was when she was looking up at happy as could be with a headless, footless, and tailess dead bunny in her mouth. I thought I was going to be sick, I had to look real close to see what see had. Big mistake. Yuck. Oh she did also tackle a squirrel and rip the tip of its tail off. I don't what to know what going to happen after I move and the dogs see possums.
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
Originally posted by StukaJU87 View PostYou asked for it. Guys, if anyone is disturbed by these.....blame Toe Jam.
Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at -
Originally posted by Rich#6 View PostI don't what to know what going to happen after I move and the dogs see possums.
I also had a little family of the fuckers living in my shed. I opened up my tool drawer one day to fish out a torque wrench and there was a friggin' possum asleep in there! Scared the shit out of me.
MikeSleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.
Originally posted by MBreinin View PostDude, Possums are tough fuckers. My dog caught one late one night. He is a CHOW, a large Chow with very powerful jaws. He was growling and shaking this thing and literally crushing it. I could clearly hear bones breaking. I finally got him away from it..after I hosed him down with the garden hose. Took him in the house and came back out with a trashbag to dispose of the "dead" possum. It was GONE. I was sure it was dead after that beating that it took...but was playing possum.
I also had a little family of the fuckers living in my shed. I opened up my tool drawer one day to fish out a torque wrench and there was a friggin' possum asleep in there! Scared the shit out of me.
MikeI say the boy ain't right!
Originally posted by Rich#6 View PostI did not need to see that. (dog & cat hunting results)
Maybe you shouldn't have these dogs & cats if what they do naturally freaks you out so much!"Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
A coupls of weeks ago. I was sitting at my computer and out of no where both cats are at the balcony window pacing back and forth. I look out the blinds and theres two squirrels out there right against the screen taunting the cats. I catch one fo the squirrels about to climb the screen wire to just make the cats jump after it. But when i get a better look the squirrels took off. The the cats just kinda looked at me like i spoiled thier fun.. lol
Man, what wild Chicago suburb you live in?
Maybe you shouldn't have these dogs & cats if what they do naturally freaks you out so much!