Thanks for buying alot of my gear so far in my "I need money" thread.
Unfortunately... I went to put a deposit on the car today after my son Nicks wrestling meet (he came in 3rd in a very tough tournament) and the car is sold.
He will probably be a little upset but he is such a good boy he won't let me know it.
I will keep looking to find him the perfect car.
Thanks again everybody!
Oh yea... there are still things available to buy!!
John G
Unfortunately... I went to put a deposit on the car today after my son Nicks wrestling meet (he came in 3rd in a very tough tournament) and the car is sold.
He will probably be a little upset but he is such a good boy he won't let me know it.
I will keep looking to find him the perfect car.
Thanks again everybody!
Oh yea... there are still things available to buy!!
