Originally posted by hammer84
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I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.
- Newc
Originally posted by hippietim View PostIt's not a matter of tolerance. It's a matter of them being annoying and in many cases being condemning, invasive, rude, and just generally wanting to shove their beliefs down my throat. To me it's the same as any other salesman - I don't want them coming to my home either.
"I'm going to try and work it out so at the end it's a pure guts race......because if it is.....I'm the only one that can win" - Steve Prefontaine
Man, I told some JW's at my door I was a Satanist, thinking they'd just leave.
They appeared to be VERY intrigued and ended up talking with them about it for 20 minutes! They never tried to sell me, they just thanked me kindly for giving them my insight and left smiling like they were very genuinely pleased by conversing with me.
Never came back tho... Guess I'm blacklisted.
thank fuck i have john as a middle name or this jw topic would have me steaming in
i dont see a lot of them these days,they used to always come around years ago and i would kindly tell them i dont do god but i respect their views
Funny enough me and the old lady lived near a young JW couple and the geezer was always getting bolloxed in the local boozers