I got this in an email from a buddy I served with. Kinda funny.
A Marine gets out of the Corps after Nam and lives his life like the American dream. When the War on Iraqcomes around 40 plus years later, he goes down to the local recruiting station, and tells the recruiter, "I want in, I wanna fight." But the recruiter says, "Sorry man, you're too old."
"Fine," the guy says. "I'll go to the Pentagon. I have a friend there. He'll let me in!" So he goes to the Pentagon and tells his friend, "I want in, I wanna fight." But his friend says, "Sorry Buddy, you're too old."
"Fine," the guy says. "I'll buy a boat and row to Iraq!" So he goes out and buys himself a rowboat and starts rowing to Iraq, chanting "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!" over and over again.
St. Peter sees all this and goes to God and says, "Lord, what do I do to stop this clown?" God tells St. Peter, "Why don't you take his brain? It's the root of all thought." So St. Peter takes the guy's brain. It doesn't faze him. "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!" St. Peter then says, "Now
God replies, "Why don't you take his heart? It's the seat of all emotion." So St. Peter takes it. Doesn't faze the guy. "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!"
St. Peter says, "Now what should I do?!" God smiles and says, "Take his gonads." So St. Peter lops off the guy's gonads.
The guy immediately stops rowing, looks confused, turns his boat around in
circles, and begins chanting, "Off we go, into the wild blue yonder..."
A Marine gets out of the Corps after Nam and lives his life like the American dream. When the War on Iraqcomes around 40 plus years later, he goes down to the local recruiting station, and tells the recruiter, "I want in, I wanna fight." But the recruiter says, "Sorry man, you're too old."
"Fine," the guy says. "I'll go to the Pentagon. I have a friend there. He'll let me in!" So he goes to the Pentagon and tells his friend, "I want in, I wanna fight." But his friend says, "Sorry Buddy, you're too old."
"Fine," the guy says. "I'll buy a boat and row to Iraq!" So he goes out and buys himself a rowboat and starts rowing to Iraq, chanting "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!" over and over again.
St. Peter sees all this and goes to God and says, "Lord, what do I do to stop this clown?" God tells St. Peter, "Why don't you take his brain? It's the root of all thought." So St. Peter takes the guy's brain. It doesn't faze him. "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!" St. Peter then says, "Now
God replies, "Why don't you take his heart? It's the seat of all emotion." So St. Peter takes it. Doesn't faze the guy. "Semper Fi, Do or Die, OO-Rah, OO-Rah!"
St. Peter says, "Now what should I do?!" God smiles and says, "Take his gonads." So St. Peter lops off the guy's gonads.
The guy immediately stops rowing, looks confused, turns his boat around in
circles, and begins chanting, "Off we go, into the wild blue yonder..."
