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Gamers - Gears Of War

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  • Gamers - Gears Of War

    Wow I rarely play a video game not real big on it although I got an Xbox and got C.O.D. II and loved it. To rave reviews I got Gears Of War and my goodness is that game good.
    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
    So that none of its lies can affect me

  • #2
    Until you get online with it.

    There's tons of problems with the online play from what people have been reporting over the weekend. Clans are locked out due to the lack of a setup lobby, and they have been finding ways around the system like killing their own randomly-assigned team members, as well as the Host starting the round before everyone is ready so they end up with a 4-man team against a 2 or 3-man team.

    There's also reports that these clans will kill everyone except the last man and take turns downing him repeatedly to build their point lead in the online ranks.

    It's crap like that what takes the fun out of a game.

    I won't buy it until I get a playable demo, though. There's other problems I've been reading about aside from the MP stuff, but for the most part the trouble is with the multiplayer (head for cover and your guy jumps back out into the open, or over or through the object he's supposed to be hiding behind, etc).

    Call Of Duty 3 is out, but that's another one that is getting bad reviews from people who actually play it - serious gameplay issues as well as the same multiplayer issues from Gears Of War, since it uses the same lobby-less system.

    Apparently Dave Mustaine was supposed to be playing Gears Of War online over the weekend. Don't know his Gamertag, but a few of us were ripping on a guy that was complaining he couldn't get into a match with him. We told him he'd probably blame his losses on being kicked out of Metallica anyway
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #3
      I think the game absolutely kicks ass.

      The graphics/texture are the best I have ever seen on a PC or Console
      The gameplay is killer
      Curbstomping is always a good time
      Chainsawing rules
      Bodyparts all over the place
      Dogs and cats living together

      I havent had any problems with multiplayer. Exploits.... yeah... I am sure people have found some. So far, this is the best game that has ever come out for the x360. The multiplayer is really fun.

      Call Of Duty 3 is out, but that's another one that is getting bad reviews from people who actually play it - serious gameplay issues as well as the same multiplayer issues from Gears Of War, since it uses the same lobby-less system.
      Huh? GoW has a lobby. I can totally believe that EA left it out like they did last time. EA games suck ass.

      Last edited by nateb; 11-13-2006, 04:18 PM.
      Insert annoying equipment list here....


      • #4
        Actually Treyarch (Spiderman) did CoD3. Infinity Ward did CoD2. Dunno why the switch.

        And yeah, EA are getting on my nerves. Not only have they butchered almost every James Bond game (Nightfire was the first good one they've done, and the first good one since Goldeneye), but they're gobbling up licenses and strongarming for exclusive contracts. I don't care for sports games, but it sucks that the only way to get the real teams and the real players is through one company. There's zero competition in the "realistic" sports genre.

        When EA buys the rights to the words football, soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball, and any other sport, you'll know the end is nigh
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:

