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Management Change - Good to Bad - Rant

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  • Management Change - Good to Bad - Rant

    So we recently had a change of leadership in our operations group. Our previous director was a good guy, he really took care of the leadership team, and the workers, and he had a good rapport with everyone here.

    The new guy however, man what a piece of work. When our ops manager tried to introduce him to the staff the guy backed off, saying "Oh, I dont really care", and walked away.

    Today this director has our desktop person come up and take a flatscreen away from one of my operators because he wants to use it in his office for presentations, yet there's a room with a projector 10 feet away from the guys office. We fought tooth and nail to get PC upgrades, and this guy hasn't even been here two weeks and he's taking tools away from the people that actually do the work around here. What a dick.

    Thanks for listening


    '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
    '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
    '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
    VOX AD30VT

  • #2
    You think that's bad? I heard some wacky stories from our IT folks, on a recent management change. The new person has - LITERALLY! - been using the techniques she uses for training her dogs on her staff. Dog Training - FOR PEOPLE!!! There's rumors of muzzles and leashes in her desk for when things get really bad.


    • #3
      Frag his ass - problem solved.

      Sorry to hear it, bro. May he go soon, and may the damage be easy to repair.

      The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


      • #4
        ahh... that does not leave a good impression..believe me, once the complaints start getting notice.. if the guy slips up...he may be gone. Depends on the results. We had a mandatory 84 hour week a few weeks back, but when it gets slow, and it does, you may get laid off. Depends on whether you were a vocal problem or not.

        Try working with a half dozen illegals (or more with temps)..usually no hablas englas but lately they have hired ppl who have basic english. There's only one other caucasian in my shift.
        Last edited by charvelguy; 11-13-2006, 02:00 PM.


        • #5
          Currently we have the best ops group the company has ever seen in the US. Thats greatly attributed to our last director just letting the ops manager and operators run the show the way it needs to be run. This new guy is the type that will change things that dont need to be changed simply for the sake of running things his way, even if its not the best for the operation. And that really pisses me off because a lot of poeple have worked their asses off to make this place what it is. Its personal, you know?

          Two hours after the guy met me he was telling my boss that I dont look the part for a leadership position, and I have to cut my hair. I laughed at the time and just walked away, but if it really comes down to it... I've got bills to pay.
          Last edited by UFORocks; 11-13-2006, 01:58 PM.
          '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
          '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
          '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
          VOX AD30VT


          • #6
            I always put it back on the company. "What's better for the company, productivity or keeping one person happy?"

            Of course you could also mention you're in direct contact with investors and shareholders, and that it's easy enough to tell them in polite conversation what goes on, and how things are going to affect their dividends.

            But we had a new Production Manager come in a few months ago, and he was fired last week. The Rumor Mill says it was for not doing his job. I didn't really care for the guy, personally. Seemed a bit fruity. I can't work for someone if I'm constantly in fear of him grabbing my butt - I'm ill-mannered and ill-tempered, and I work with hand tools like hammers and crap. I'da clubbed him like a baby seal on the first offense.

            Anyhoo, hopefully they won't get us a Nazi or a militant man-hating carpet-muncher.
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              But we had a new Production Manager come in a few months ago, and he was fired last week. The Rumor Mill says it was for not doing his job. I didn't really care for the guy, personally. Seemed a bit fruity. I can't work for someone if I'm constantly in fear of him grabbing my butt - I'm ill-mannered and ill-tempered, and I work with hand tools like hammers and crap. I'da clubbed him like a baby seal on the first offense.

              :ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF:
              Dammit, there goes another keyboard!! But Pepsi through the nose does clear the sinuses out real good...geez...


              • #8
                I'm a production manager and i asked for one small little reasonable thing and that was to have sharks with freakin' laser beams attatched to their heads and it's not carried out, honestly , what did i pay these people for, oh wait a minute, that was a movie, sorry lost my head. UFO, wait till the numbers drop because of this dick with ears, and things will go back to normal eventually, you 'll just have to wait it out and that's tough when you work with a douchebag.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #9
                  Get all your coworkers to swear that he hit you first, then beat his ass into the ground. Note that this doesn't work well if your company has surveiullance cameras in your work area.

                  If that's the case wire a bomb into his car ignition.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
                    There's rumors of muzzles and leashes in her
                    desk for when things get really bad.
                    I have wanted to use muzzles on some employees before. Does that count?

