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Global Warming - I'm melting

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post

    So what else is new? I hear that every day. I'm not saying I don't care, I just think it's kind of funny when someone makes a 700 page report on something we're all VERY MUCH AWARE ABOUT and act like they discovered it first... What the f*** is that all about?
    The "unique" thing about that report is that it is actually written by an economist (former world bank member I believe) and not by, for example, some greenpeace activist.

    It is not based on scientific facts about global warming itself, but it deals with the economical consequences it would have if GW was assumed to be true. It adds a nice perspective, I think. GW will not "kill all humans" or "destroy the earth" as most people wants us to think. It will, however, undoubtly cost alot of money and put serious stress on the world economy.

    I do believe though, that the scientists have to come up with way better evidence than they have now. They can calculate an increase in average temperature of about a couple of degrees, but their error margins may be like +/- 10 degrees (C) on an increase in temperature of 3 degrees. That does not make any sense.


    • #47
      Thanks for the comment Monk. You're right, we need to have this looked into by others than naive 20-something year-olds living in wood huts in a forest..
      "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


      • #48
        Hey!!!!! I started this eons ago. I just get no respect.:ROTF: :ROTF:
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #49
          I am bumping this up because I am bored. But, isn't it intrersting that it is a big deal now? I love my BBC.
          Last edited by fett; 10-05-2007, 06:57 PM.
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #50
            Hey fett,
            Did you hear the UK courts are reviewing An Inconvenient Truth to see if it is non biased and that future viewings must have a disclaimer.
            You know the Vikings founded a colony on Iceland before the mini Ice age about 400 years ago.
            I believe the Climate goes threw cycles and some of it may be man made but not all of it.
            If and I say again If man is souly responsable for Global warming than it will take a Global effort as countrys industrialize like China without proper considerations for polution control.
            Just my 2 cents.


            • #51
              I'll bite.
              How much global warming has actually occured? Hard science is still in debate about this question. Determining surface temperatures is much more complicated than it seems. Also temperature monitering technology from satelilte date as compared to actual collections of data on the ground cannot be compared accurately.
              Who has raised the alarm that it is occuring, and that it is being caused by industrial/human activity and Co2? What about the increase in solar activity? Who stands to gain from a global warming crisis? Why is it such a political issue?
              Because those who stand to gain from the "debate" are the same people who would like to foist public transportation fiascos at the local level, thus infringing on the idea of personal real property right. The states' legislatures don't seem to stand to much gain, so there isn't much concern there. The UN is obsessively concerned with it, while billions worldwide die from diseases that can be much more easily averted with education and more in line with their socialist agenda of the redistribution of wealth. Or focusing it's resources in politically unstable regimes that cause millions more deaths. But it is far more important for them to continue to push their "scientific agenda based on consensus" to redistribute the power center away from the evil dominance of the likes of the US, who of course carries on consuming mindlessly, thus killing off poor people, because the US didn't do anything about the global warming that we aren't sure exists in the first place.
              Politicians, and wannabe politicians, and those ever so brilliant celebrities are so very passionate about it because of a blind hatred of conservative politics, because it suggests that the corporations will always do their very best to kill off the consumers it relies on for business, and of course the primary purpose of business is to pollute, and to make poor people even poorer, so if the government doesn't have major political power over those entities, then we would all die within ten years. So my only conclusion is that the lefties are upset that they need an issue to concentrate that power base, and the mother of all environmental issues is one that attacks industry directly, with no way to measure the outcome. It's a perfect scheme. Impose tighter regulations to the point of diminishing returns, with no measurable way to verify success, and a virtual complete domination based on the science of "feeling" kill those evil corps and control the greedy consumer. After all, in true socialism, you don't determine your needs, the State does!
              It's so attractive an idea that even the non conservative Republicans are buying into it. Hell, if you can't beat 'em, get a piece of the pie!
              This kind of science reminds me of why it was so damn important to the Catholic church to suppress actual science observed by the likes of Galileo.
              The world was the center of the universe, and the Church ruled the world, so therefore the Church ruled the Universe! Who cares what Kepler, or Copernicus, or Galileo observed...


              • #52
                It's back. This is the original one. I found it. "Ron Search" is just tits.:ROTF: I did this in October 2006.:ROTF:
                Last edited by fett; 12-12-2007, 08:07 PM.
                I am a true ass set to this board.


                • #53
                  I just wasted several carbon credits looking for this post, and it suddenly reappears. FWIW.

                  My post was so long I bored myself with it. Sorry, folks.


                  • #54
                    Oh, in case I missed it, the fett-fat-cool connection...
                    Does no one remember the term "phat", for "cool", thus translated back
                    to Norway or Germany, so "fett" means "cool".

                    Cool, fett.


                    • #55
                      fat, cool fett. That's ME. This GW topic was this thread. I am ahead and behind the times in all and what I am.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by fett View Post
                        if we don't do something fast were are FUKKED.
                        Umm. Yeah.

                        We can move the Earth's orbit a few million miles, or perhaps lessen solar winds so our magnetic field can block more radiation.

                        Global Warming = Leftist Religion

                        Global Climate Change = Nature
                        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                        • #57
                          Is this one going to disappear too?


                          • #58
                            Beats me. I just wanted to let you guys know that I was all over this more that a year ago.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • #59
                              I'm looking at this as a chance to edit myself out....
                              I stand by at least half my rant. The religion part
                              was not about picking on the Catholics, it was a comment
                              on how politics,science,and religion can get out of hand.


                              • #60
                                I missed why the other one got pulled.

