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Hughes or ST. Pierre? UFC65

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  • Hughes or ST. Pierre? UFC65

    HUghes is knid of a tool but for some reason I want him to win. St Pierre I think will give him his best fight yet. Whaddaya think?

  • #2
    Me and my drummer are divided on this. I think Hughes will win. St Pierre just barely lost last time they fought, but I think Hughes still has the edge. Truth is, it could go either way. I'll be watching it. Can't wait.
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      I'm rooting for GSP. Hughes is a dick (although he's a great fighter). I lost all respect for Hughes after his attitude on TUF2--he showed his true colors. GSP was given a hard time about his comments to Matt after the Hughes/Penn fight. IMO, GSP was just trying to intensify the fight a bit and Huges got all bent out of shape.


      • #4
        I 1/2 agree with you on that Thrust. One thing that I like about UFC compared to boxing is there is not really (except Tito and Shamrock) alot of the badgering and shit talk proir to a fight. I hate that. GSP was kind of out of line jumping in the ring minutes after Matts win and stating he was not impressed with Matt, when Matt just dominated BJ on the ground and striking. I can see if he got in the ring after and stated he was looking forward to fighting/beating him that would have been different. Although GSP did apologize during the ultimate finally. I do like GSP though. Should be one great fight!


        • #5
          Hughes or ST. Pierre? UFC65

          > I'm thinking Hughes all the way. A friend that is a BJJ instructor went to a Pat Militich seminar in Illinois about 8 months ago,and said he got the impression from meeting Matt that the media machine for UFC makes Matt look that way on purpose,and maybe he's even told to act like a dick at times. He said Matt was pretty much just a freakishly strong,humble country boy away from the cameras,he just knows how tough he really is. They got to spar some,and Matt even complimented Jorge's ground skills,saying that there are guys that compete in UFC that aren't as good as him. The fight I'd really like to see is Matt bulking up to 185 and fighting Forrest Griffin. Tommy D.
          "I'm going to try and work it out so at the end it's a pure guts race......because if it is.....I'm the only one that can win" - Steve Prefontaine


          • #6
            I just like to see a fight in which both these guy give it all. I GSP has what it takes for sure and I'd bet he was urged to say what he said just to get people talking about the fight. It's just a matter of time before you have the promoters getting the fighters to hype the fight by throwing dirt. it's sad but it's also what keeps the pending fight on peoples minds till fight time.

            Both of these guys make very few mistakes so it could go either way. GSP rocked Matt good when they first fought but got caught with a arm bar...At one point George nailed Matt real good and had him staggering back...I thought he must have let him regain his footing for the sake of sport because he could have smoked him good right then but he stepped back...


            • #7
              You gusy are probably right about the hype....god I am gonna hate when there is some DOn King like D-Bag in there causing will be interesting....I'll take Hughes for a pack of Exlir 9's...anyone??


              • #8
                GSP for the win. He only had two fights in the UFC before he fought Hughes the first time. He himself even said he didn't think he was ready. Now he is and he'll dominate the fight just like he did last time, except this time he won't make the mistake of calling it quits.


                • #9
                  So, did anyone see the fight? Hughes got dominated badly, and ultimately knocked the fuck out. He dropped his shoulder to move in on St Pierre, and St Pierre hit him square in the side of the head with a roundhouse kick.

                  Great fight!!
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #10
                    Fuck, I missed it!!! Can't wait to see it! I have gotten too used to Spike putting the fights of for


                    • #11
                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      Good ol Youtube lol

                      It has no sound but it's clear that...

                      George D O M I N A T E D!

                      And for any Matt fans who will say something about the two kicks to the nuts...Defend your nuts then!

                      It wasn't intentional and that just part of the game...He was getting rocked bad already and if the buzzer haddnt gone to end the first round it would have been done then!

                      Great fight!

                      Now that other Matt has to fight


                      • #12
                        I watched the fight, Hughes didn't just lose - he was completely destroyed. Every second of the fight belonged to GSP.

