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Stopping Spam - Help Needed

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  • Stopping Spam - Help Needed

    Here's the deal. I know how to deal with your "everyday" spammers. My e-mail is filtered and virus scanned. But I keep getting these motherf**king e-mails for stupid stock picks, and can't figure out how to ditch them. The headers are always nonsense jibberish, but the text is always recommending some BS "hot" stock pick. They're all the same, basically, so they must be coming from one source. The e-mails are probably just "carriers" or whatever, but I seem to be filtering out the trojans or viruses.

    The problem is that these f**kers send their e-mails out from multiple - possibly hundreds of! - different e-mail accounts. I've blocked the senders over and over again - probably between 50 and 100 different senders so far - but they still keep on coming. Everyday from new e-mail accounts and domains. And they seem to be getting more aggressive lately. I used to get 1 or 2 a week. Now 3 or 4 a day! It's damn F'n obnoxious. F**kers!!!

    Any suggestions from the experts?

  • #2
    You're never going to block them by sender. The sender is spoofed 100% of the time.

    In fact the problem I'm having with this shit is that someone is spoofing the stock tip emails from *MY* domain. So I get dozens of emails every day coming from people's spam-blockers, daemon, etc. Fortunately those all get caught by my spam-catcher, but it is still annoying as hell.



    • #3
      You need to have your filters look for a certain phrase in the mail.


      • #4
        Originally posted by OnlineStageGear View Post
        You need to have your filters look for a certain phrase in the mail.
        That's not possible either. These stock tip emails are coming with 1-word in the subject (random), and the stock tip is a GIF, linked in the body of the email.

        My spam catcher gets them .... I'm sure it fits some algorhythm somehow.


