my perfect girl-
Start at the feet, nice ,cute archy little tan feet connected to curvy calves and thighs that are jive, basically long beautiful getaway sticks in general, followed by a juicy flat firm concave tuna board for a stomach, bookmatched to a small yet round and curvy ass with a great arch up her back from her small waiste, fronyted by anywhere from 34-40 D's, but when you get to the neck and the head, you replace that with sportschannels, and a remote for the triple X channels I get on direct T.V. It's my Android Woman, it was in full prototype production when funds ran out and shut the factory down. I'm sorry guys, and girls, I was doing it all for you. I need corporate backing, or some ballsy partners who will pull off a bank heist to finish the final product. It will sell itself. And when I have all the straight men and bisexual women ordering, we'll cash in on the whole show with the Android Man for straight women and gay men and build that too, but I will need a staff for that thing, and i'll probably be absent from many of the major R & D meetings for that one, I'll be rich already. It's a thought , I like the idea a lot.
Start at the feet, nice ,cute archy little tan feet connected to curvy calves and thighs that are jive, basically long beautiful getaway sticks in general, followed by a juicy flat firm concave tuna board for a stomach, bookmatched to a small yet round and curvy ass with a great arch up her back from her small waiste, fronyted by anywhere from 34-40 D's, but when you get to the neck and the head, you replace that with sportschannels, and a remote for the triple X channels I get on direct T.V. It's my Android Woman, it was in full prototype production when funds ran out and shut the factory down. I'm sorry guys, and girls, I was doing it all for you. I need corporate backing, or some ballsy partners who will pull off a bank heist to finish the final product. It will sell itself. And when I have all the straight men and bisexual women ordering, we'll cash in on the whole show with the Android Man for straight women and gay men and build that too, but I will need a staff for that thing, and i'll probably be absent from many of the major R & D meetings for that one, I'll be rich already. It's a thought , I like the idea a lot.