If he gets a psyche eval, they probably will take away his guns and his ability to own them by license.
Less than legal guns make it even more of a sticky situation.
That sounds as tho it wouldn't be a bad thing.. but, take away something like a gun owners gun, and that is like taking away his right as an American.
That will not sit well.
To some men, that would be likened to being neutered.
I really wish you the best on this but I think I tend to agree, that a non Gov't social worker or private counselor may be a good option for advice on how to handle it.
Less than legal guns make it even more of a sticky situation.
That sounds as tho it wouldn't be a bad thing.. but, take away something like a gun owners gun, and that is like taking away his right as an American.
That will not sit well.
To some men, that would be likened to being neutered.
I really wish you the best on this but I think I tend to agree, that a non Gov't social worker or private counselor may be a good option for advice on how to handle it.