OK, i have a RCA HD52W59 CRT rear projection TV, its a little over a year old(mft date aug 2005) turned it on yesterday afternoon and had it on for about 10 min. and heard this loud "snap" the only way i can describe this sound would be the sound of a pebble hitting the winsheild of your car,,,only LOUD. i didn't notice any burning smell or anything, so i didn't think much about it maybe a surge from the air conditoner in the other room or something,,so i watched it for 20 ,30 more min. then turned it off,,,,,, last night it was on for about 3 hrs. all good.... Today i turn it on and it is on for like 5 min .......SNAP.....i hear it again then about 3 min. later the TV shuts off. I turn it back on and all i get is a little "whistle" type sound and the power button will light, it will then repeat this sequence 3 times total then it is off.
Is this some sort of troubleshooting code ? like a cars will "ding" out a check engine code? could it be one of the bulbs have blown?
I've done the unplug it and let it reset thing to no avail,
I also took the back pannel off and looked,,,i didnt see/smell anything burnt, and the fuse next to the power cord is still good.
Any ideas as to what it might be? Are these symtoms common? High dollar fix?
any input would be greatly appreciated .

OK, i have a RCA HD52W59 CRT rear projection TV, its a little over a year old(mft date aug 2005) turned it on yesterday afternoon and had it on for about 10 min. and heard this loud "snap" the only way i can describe this sound would be the sound of a pebble hitting the winsheild of your car,,,only LOUD. i didn't notice any burning smell or anything, so i didn't think much about it maybe a surge from the air conditoner in the other room or something,,so i watched it for 20 ,30 more min. then turned it off,,,,,, last night it was on for about 3 hrs. all good.... Today i turn it on and it is on for like 5 min .......SNAP.....i hear it again then about 3 min. later the TV shuts off. I turn it back on and all i get is a little "whistle" type sound and the power button will light, it will then repeat this sequence 3 times total then it is off.
Is this some sort of troubleshooting code ? like a cars will "ding" out a check engine code? could it be one of the bulbs have blown?
I've done the unplug it and let it reset thing to no avail,
I also took the back pannel off and looked,,,i didnt see/smell anything burnt, and the fuse next to the power cord is still good.
Any ideas as to what it might be? Are these symtoms common? High dollar fix?
any input would be greatly appreciated .